I had to replace the old pooper-scooper recently and when I received the new one, it came with a pair of white gloves. According to the illustrated instructions, one was to don the gloves before putting the parts together. Is one to also don said gloves whilst scooping the poop? I wish Erma Bombeck was still around - she'd know the answer.
I opted not to gather on Thanksgiving this year. The instances of Covid are rising and I have too many at-risk loved-ones. The thing that pushed me over the edge was the last minute arrival of my niece - who I doubt follows any protocol for protecting herself from the virus. I consoled myself with the thought of leftovers but, to my dismay, it appears that they dipped the turkey carcass in the Amazon River after dinner and the piranhas got anything edible. At least there will be broth. Geez. While I was wallowing around in my pool of self-pity, I got a text from Marianne asking how my Thanksgiving went. When I gave her the lowdown (boohoo), she packaged up a heap of leftovers for me. Bless her.
The pups' holiday gift came early - two faux fur throws - and I might not see Peanut until spring. He is burritoed on the left and you can just see Lovey's ear on the right. I'd say they were pleased. Slimmie has taken over the dogs comfy saucer bed, so we are set for the cold weather. Whenever it comes. So far, November has been warm and rain-filled. And grey. And gloomy.
On the medical front, there has been a victory! After mulling it around, I decided that I would rather change doctors than change insurance. I had visions of bureaucratic snafus abounding, as I tried to change from one company to another within a month. I went online to check Humana's doctor network and, lo and behold, there was my orthopedic surgeon! I took a deep breath and called to make an appointment. When the receptionist asked, "Still BCBS?" I plunged in - no, Medicare with Humana. She took my membership number without batting an eye. It is a mystery, but I have an appointment with the surgeon next week. Who would have thought I'd be so excited to see a surgeon!
Last week, I received two packages out of the blue from two of my ex-coworkers. One packaged contained an almost lifetime supply of organic peppermint tea and the other contained this: