Excuse the pan - it's my most useful size and I won't get rid of it. |
Sometimes, being gluten free is not onerous. Such as when I discovered these Blueberry Millet Muffins. I used the last of the 2013 blueberries, the last two of my own eggs, my own raw milk yogurt and my new favorite grain: millet. Or birdseed, as my neighbor pointed out.
These were the leftover batter muffins - it made about a dozen and a half, but these are large - and a chance to use an impulse purchase (fancy paper muffin cups). For the rest, I used my can't-live-without silicone muffin cups. I love them - easy to use, easy to clean, nothing heads to the landfill.
You can find the recipe
here. I used frozen blueberries, so my muffins have a lovely, sort of indigo undertone. And indigo is my favorite color - next to any shade of green. At first I thought having the raw millet interspersed in the muffin would be ... odd. But I found that they lend a nice, satisfying, toothsome crunch. (I love that word - toothsome - something that Pepper can only dream about. I would think that "gumsome" would be more appropriate in his case.)
Yesterday I spent driving my parents around. My mother had her eye treatment for macular degeneration in the city, so we have a tradition (my family is BIG on traditions) of going to eat at their favorite Chinese restaurant, ordering the same thing for lunch each time, then off to the medical center we go. Unfortunately, we are always WAY early. This means the wait is longer than the usual long wait. There is nothing that tries the patience (of me) more than to sit for over an hour with two people who look at their watches and comment about the wait every five seconds. I brought knitting to create some Zen vibes for me. Speaking of which, I have now completed all of the small-fry knitting with the exception of some embroidery work on the bonnet. I will take a pic of what I have not already mailed. And I am hoping that the recipients will turn a kind eye on the imperfections (....Wes....xoxo).
I also squeezed in a much-needed haircut before picking up my parents. And listened to the horrific account of her battle with a psycho husband over custody of their sons. Good, goD. The man is pure evil. It made me appreciate even more, coming home to my dogs and cats. At least there is no evil involved there, just the occasional cause-me-to-lose-my-mind thing. Which, lately, has Pepper's little paw mark on it.
A few minutes after I got home (dark at 5:15), I got a call about joining friends at a book signing/reading in a nearby town. Had I not been gone all day, I would have considered it, but I will not leave the dogs alone that long. Plus, it was not an author who would make me consider an exception, as I find him to be one of those whiny types. I almost reconsidered when I learned that he was bringing his dog, however. You can see where my priorities lie.
The weekend holds a crummy weather forecast, lots of outside chores (funny how the two seem to always go together...), dinner with my parents at their favorite restaurant, a long over-due Girls' Night get together (I'm bringing Pink Lemonade Vodka Jello Shots - I'm bad...), a hay delivery (hallelujah - let's hope it happens), and I finally tackle the beets. Speaking of which - do any of you have suggestions on how to tackle a vole problem? I have tried a few things, to no avail. I am considering poisoning the buggers, but am leery about poison in the garden, even though it will be used sparingly and in tunnels, and a full six months before planting season. I figure there is a wealth of knowledge and experience out there....