
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Monsoon Season.

Today has been one storm followed by another.  Bernie has taken up permanent residence under the bed, Gigi is miserable and I have cleaned the house.  During one brief dry spell - with actual sun - I raced outside and made trellises out of some cattle panels (bolt cutters -  a must-have tool), quickly tied them to the rebar posts and put up fencing around the last raised bed.  Lawdamercy, I made it in the house with seconds to spare before it started up again - thunder, gusty wind and torrents of rain.  You can sort of see the garden in the picture above - taken through the window.  Normally, I wouldn't mind a rainy day - it makes you stop and rest.  Or clean the house.  But when each storm brings with it the threat of high winds and flooding, it gets on your nerves!  On the next break, I have to sprint out to the chicken coop and close the people door.  I'm sure it's flooded by now.  I am going to work on getting Gigi to come inside.  I'm sure it will be 'exciting'.  But she is obviously not a feral cat, and there is no reason for her to be trying to find a dry spot, and me listening for coyotes all night.

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