
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Sorry State of Affairs.

I awoke yesterday morning without a voice.  This shouldn't be much of a problem, except for my Alvin and the Chipmunks routine.  The dogs stared in disbelief when I let out my breathy squeaks.  Then they ignored me.  I took a sick day and managed to slog around, downing cups of sick tea, Emergen-C, and water.  I also managed to finish knitting a toddler pixie hat, planted my winter peas, albeit not as many as I had hoped, since I pooped out quickly, and dry canned beans.  

That last little item is such a lifesaver! I had thought that I had to pre-soak the beans before I canned them and never remembered to.  Then my friend Jane from the late and lamented blog, Hard Work Homestead, clued me in.  These little pints of beans will be so useful!

I woke up this morning with a little more basso in my breathy squeak, but whatever reserves I had were used up within the first hour at work.  I am back to silence.  The dogs are still happy.  Especially Pepper, who now feels he has a reason for not responding....


Another sad state of affairs is the total lack of basic living skills had by many young people.  The young fellow with whom I work draggled in to show me his new winter coat (made in China) that he had purchased five days ago.  The buttons were already working themselves loose.  And he had no idea how to fix them.  None.  Nor, apparently, did his girlfriend.  Sigh.  I battened them down and told him that I was going to make him (and his girlfriend) a sewing kit and would teach him how to use it.  I mean....really.


Mama Pea said...

You are a kind and gentle soul. For reattaching the buttons on your co-worker's coat. And for making up a sewing kit for him. Good luck on teaching him how to use it.

Where are the mothers who are raising these kids and teaching them the basic skills in life? (Oh, that's right. They don't teach those basic skills in day care.)

Sue said...

And I'm on the road and watching young moms buy their kids SODA and chips and donuts at the gas station ----_FOR BREAKFAST. Good lord. What is this world coming to?????????????????
Hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

No "basic living skills had by many young people", amen! I taught my 3 girls how to mend, hem and add/fix buttons. Basic clothing repair skills. I don't know how many nice items of clothing I have bought thrifting that was just missing a button, and usually just sitting there on the inside seam!

Unknown said...

And hoe you feel better! Hubby has a dry, hacky cough and stayed home sick today, which he never does...

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh My Hero sews on a better button than I ...well that is my story and I am using it to my advantage:) Good for you helping and teaching. Hug B

Fiona said...

Its terrifying to think how little knowledge there is in the way of simple basic 'things'! What we take for granted as just something to know is like an alien thing to so many young people. Never mind if we don't know how to do something we usually can figure out a facsimile of the proper method. However they do have incredible ability to text, tweet, instagram and do that sort of thing...right! So good of you to take the time to teach! Your poor voice, a ginger honey tea can help relax sore and broken throat tissues! [Well it works for me and Ralph always says he's going to hide the combination when I loose my voice!]

Kelly said...

I hope you get your voice back soon so the dogs remember their not free willy nilly
Everything I buy these days is CRAP! The lunch containers I bought to save on Ziploc bags are all cracked. I don't think there is much quality in any products these days. It's sad. I thrift shop when I do go shopping. My daughters, finally like to go with me. They used to think it was gross. I guess now they know it's thrift or nothing, lol!
My sweet (sometimes) husband learned how to sew on a button the other day. He didn't want me to hurt my finger since the fabric was so thick. He also calls my sewing machine "the welder" and the vacuum cleaner "the mower", men lol!

Laurie said...

Hope you feel better soon. Love your blog and love that you'll teach your co-worker to sew.

Susan said...

Tell me more about your winter peas. What type? For cover crop or winter salad or both? Sorry about the voice.

Sandy Livesay said...


I hope you're feeling better today?
Has Jane started blogging again? I love her blog and would love to get back to reading more wonderful posts from her.
Great idea with making a sewing kit for your work mate and his girlfriend and teaching them how to sew.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I am not surprised at the button story one bit. It's a pretty common thing. Maybe they will learn when they have to. Other than peeling potatoes and breaking up lettuce for the salads..I knew nothing of cooking. I figured it out..quick!! I hope you're feeling better. My poor husband is in the same boat you are with his throat. Poor guy!

Joy said...

Hope you're recovered now. But I'm perplexed by "dry canned beans". Can you explain about these useful things please? And many thanks for your writing!

Susan said...

Mama Pea - Yes, he doesn't seem half as excited about learning it as I am to teach it...:)

Susan said...

Sue - Hmmm. It's coming to heart disease, obesity in kids, early onset diabetes....don't get me started...

Susan said...

Nancy - Those in the sustainable living arena have kids that are light years ahead of their peers, as far as being able to take care of themselves.

Susan said...

Thanks - I am up to a medium husky tone and feeling better every day!

Susan said...

Buttons - No wonder he's your Hero! xxx

Susan said...

Fiona - Ginger honey tea was a lifesaver! I go to it every time I feel scratchy (in my throat). If there is ever a major event that knocks out technology, I feel sorry for those tweeting, texting kids. They will be marooned with no usable skills.

Susan said...

Kelly - Those dogs were sure disappointed this morning, when I could actually muster up a voice! You are so right - that is why I pretty much make everything I can and what I can't I buy from someone who takes pride in their work. Love your husband's domestic vocabulary!

Susan said...

LLL - Thank you! I do feel so much better today (Thursday). It just takes time and patience, none of which I seem to have... :)

Susan said...

Susan - I read about them in a MEN article - they are Organic Austrian Winter Peas and they can be eaten even before podding, chopped in a salad. It sounded so good.

Susan said...

Sandy - No, unfortunately, Jane is not blogging. I sure miss her blog, too. What a wealth of information!

Susan said...

WOC - I feel for your husband! It's so frustrating when your voice is nothing but a squeak. I hope that you are right - that they will learn when they have to. I will admit that that's usually how I learn things.

Susan said...

Joy - I am on the good side of recovered! The term 'dry canned' I my own and doesn't really represent what the process is - I can my beans in pint jars - put half a cup of dry beans in a hot pint jar, fill it to within a half-inch with boiling water and pressure can them - 75 minutes at 11 lbs.

Florida Farm Girl said...

I'm sorry you've been attacked by the crud. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Now, as for that sorry state of affairs. Ain't it the truth? They starve without restaurants and go naked unless they had money to buy something new to replace something needing repair. Sheesh!!!!!

Susan said...

FFG - Yes, the poor, helpless things. :) I saw an amazing interview of a 100 y/o harmonica-playing cutie on Jay Leno. She said that young people will soon only have big thumbs and no fingers!

Casa Mariposa said...

I spend all day with 11 and 12 year olds who expect adults to do everything for them. They're shocked when they learn they are expected to work independently in my class. They stand in front of a calender or clock and ask me what the date/time are. It's pathetic. Learning to sew is so vital. Glad you're feeling a bit better. :o)