
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Universe, you may now bring on Autumn.

 I am officially over summer - I have had my Tomato Cheddar Pie.

And, thanks to friends and neighbors, I can stow green beans in my freezer.

All the stuffies have winged off to new homes (thank you all for the interest and kind comments).  It has been extra fun because I have 'met' new people!

We had a surprise thunderstorm that pelted almost three-quarters of an inch of rain on us.  There have been quite violent storms to the north, west and south of us, so I am not quite as cranky about missing the rain.  Besides, giving up on one's garden does tend to relieve stress.  Unless you have placed it within almost constant view.

Slimmie is over summer, too.  I did some redecorating - which, in my case, means that I exchanged furniture that had been given to me for other furniture that had been given to me.  I went from a chair and a half, to a chair.  After some consternation, Slimmie managed to find a way to wedge himself beside me.  He is thriving on his new diet (I'd thrive on it, too, at that price) and has regained his voluminous glossiness.  I do love him to bits.  Thanks (or not) to his new diet, he has become the herald of breakfast time.  At precisely 6:15A, he begins to circle the living room, yowling.  And he continues to yowl until I go into the kitchen and fix breakfast for the kids.  He has me well trained.

As summer draws to a close, and in an effort to reduce air battles, I have put out an additional hummingbird feeder.  I know they are gearing up for their long trek to their winter home, so I am happy to help.  It's going to be rather quiet without them.  However, I now have a flock of 50 sparrows, so that should fill in the silence.  There certainly was a bumper crop of baby birds this year.  I am taking that as a hopeful sign for this beautiful planet.

My visit to the orthopedic doc found that I had bursitis AND arthritis in my hip.  Isn't that special?  He gave me a shot of cortisone for the bursitis and a lot of useful information.  My choices are - shots to the hip and physical therapy until it doesn't make sense, or hip replacement surgery.  I have three months to mull it over.  As loathe as I am to have any kind of surgery, I am dog-tired of the pain and limitations this damn hip has placed on me.  Growing old is not for sissies.


Marcia LaRue said...

Set up that appointment to get the hip replacement taken care of ... you'll be glad you did! I've had both knees replaced and I've heard from others that hip replacement is easier to get over with then the knees are! Personally ... I hope I never have to find that out! LOL

tpals said...

Ugh, I really wish they could come up with a fix for arthritis. Hugs

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i'm always over summer but this year i am really really over it. we finally got a bit of rain too...glorious rain! isn't aging something? i won't use bad language here.

Susan said...

There is so much I have not experienced in life, now you add cheese and tomato pie. How come I find these things out so late in life? The hip thing is a little daunting but I've found that these things are incredibly well managed. Absolutely everyone I know is glad they had it done. Of course it is FREE here which makes it less painful.

Steve Reed said...

Dave's mom had her hip replaced and it was a positive experience. If that helps!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Oh boy, I'm sorry you're going through that hip pain and decision making. Your tomato pie looks so good. I've never made or had one, but you're not the first blogger to write about it, so as soon as my tomatoes ripen (tick, tick, tick...) I'm going to attempt one. -Jenn

Nancy In Boise said...

So sorry about your hip! I have found over several years and anything involving inflammation response really well to acupuncture. I don't know if you have access to that where you live? My insurance didn't cover it but after having a ruptured disc and using Chiropractic and acupuncture I didn't have to have surgery that was several years ago. I was also supposed to have foot surgery because my podiatrist told me I had calcium deposits in my achilles tendon. After Too Short acupuncture treatments call the pain went away and that was years ago no surgery needed. You might consider trying acupuncture if you can afford it and physical therapy I'll see if that will get you over the hump. I have arthritis in my lower back as well and some bone spurs but I managed it pretty well with stretching, ice Chiropractic and acupuncture. And I'm glad swlimmy is doing better! I'm ready for fall to and at least we finally have a little bit of rain last night to blow out some of the smoke

Michelle said...

I hope the injection alleviates the pain long enough to let you think your options through with a clear head. The worst of summer appears to be behind us here, for which I am grateful.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I'm done with the summer too, but unfortunately, it isn't done with us here.

Ed said...

Due to the late spring deer feast, our garden got off to a slow start and we are just now hitting peak tomato production. I'm hoping for a few good weeks first before I say I'm over summer.

P.S. While waiting, we've had two very tasty green tomato pies.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad to hear Slimmie is glossy again! If only that expensive cat food could work a similar miracle on your bursitis and arthritis!

Joanne Noragon said...

There is no louder cat than one who wants breakfast!
I can attest to the usefulness of a 17 year old hip replacement.

Mama Pea said...

Well, my pal, I sincerely wish you didn't have to go through the surgery and hip replacement, but constant pain can change your whole world and your ability to be happy in it. (AND do those gazillion things you still want to do!) I, too, have heard that hip replacement has an easier and quicker recovery time than other replacements. (Have they perfected mind replacements yet?)

Such good news that Slimmie is hale, hardy and happy. As long as he gets his gourmet vittles that keep him that way.

ellen abbott said...

well, on the up side everyone I know who has had a hip replacement sings its praises. I'm over summer too but unfortunately it ain't over here. I'm over this whole fucking year. can't we just fast forward to November?

Jeanette said...

I'm never over summer really. I like Fall OK but really hate winters cold and snow! That pie looks really good! said...

Cheese and tomato pie? I've never heard of it but it sure sounds tasty and I'll be "googling" it! Yes, the hummers here had a feeding frenzy the other day and some have left which is surprising since they usually don't leave until the end of September or October here. I'm thinking they know something we don't? Spring came early and now Fall is early for down here. I'm all for it and I hope we have a humdinger of a winter here too! There was no snow last year but there have been years when we've had 6 inches....not very often but I'm thinking this might the year! I am so glad the summer is over! But now I have no excuse to not get outside and get some serious painting and landscaping done with cooler temps.
I'm so sorry about your bursitis and your hip! I have RA but I have managed to be in remission for quite a long time now. Retirement and getting rid of the drama in my life was the answer! I quit smoking. lowered my bp, eat healthy (most of the time) and I am extremely grateful! I pray you will heal yourself through whatever means necessary. It's really hard to be cheery and get your work done when you are in pain. I know I have take a lot of breaks as I can't bend over for long without my back hurting and I have to go sit down for a bit but I can keep going. It's just certain the litter boxes, scrubbing the floors....bending over to do anything. I have strong back muscles so it must be old age but I am luckier than many. You take care and do what you have to do to stay active. Hugs ~ Sam

Nancy In Boise said...

Can you post your recipe for your tomato cheddar pie? Thanks!