
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter Survival: Custard Cups

When you're facing yet another forecast of 14-plus inches of snow and you've just found out that fuel oil is now $4.25/gallon, there is only one thing that will keep you from suicidal thoughts:  custard.

I make my custard from the recipe in my mother's Joy of Cooking - circa 1949.  It was a wedding gift from her sister, my Aunt Josie.  And I make them in the same custard cups that my mother used to make hers in.  When we were kids and were sick, she would make us custard.  On the one day you were actually allowed to be sick.  After that, you had better snap to.  Only under extreme circumstances were we able to languish in bed for more than one day.  The thing that always 'cured' me was the threat of a bowl of milk toast.  Gak.

The basic recipe:  Scald two cups of whole milk, mixed with 1/4 cup of sugar and a pinch of salt.  Beat two eggs thoroughly and very, very gradually, beat in the scalded milk mixture.  Add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla and pour into cups.  Grate some fresh nutmeg on top and put them in a pan, adding hot water to reach halfway up your cups.  Cook in a preheated 325 degree oven for 35-45 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the custard comes out clean.

As my hero, Julia, would say - Bon Appetit!


Mama Pea said...

Oh, yes, yes! Good custard . . . homemade pudding does it for me, too. Ever try your custard with almond extract instead of vanilla? That's gooood also.

Michelle said...

Oh, I love custard. My grandma and mom made it. I don't even own custard cups. What would be the use; I don't buy whole milk. Shoot, I don't buy DAIRY milk! Sometimes I wish for a milk goat, but Rick would never agree to that.

Candy C. said...

I love that you have your mom's custard cups, does she ever ask for them back, preferably filled with custard? ;)
One of my favorites is homemade chocolate pudding...warm. Mmmmm...

wvhiker said...

The custard sounds good so I will have to tell my wife about that. My 'cure' was Lee's Save the Baby on a spoon with sugar. That stuff was so bad you didn't want to stay home anymore, even if you had to crawl out of the house.

Leigh said...

Oh Susan, that looks so good!

Fiona said...

What can I say....YUM! As to sick days....our mothers were very much alike, when my brother and I got sick we always seemed to get better in that one sick day allowed!

thecrazysheeplady said...

Bon Appetit!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love custard wish you were here I would love you to make it for me but I will attempt it myself because now I need to have it. Thank you. Hug B

Unknown said...

I LOVE custard! A local place makes there's with whole blackberries thrown in, yummy!

TooeleTwins said...

OMH - What was the story with that dang milk toast? Who on earth EVER thought it was a good idea? Holy barf city! Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. But, if you HAD to eat it, you had better do it while it was still warm. Cold was the WORST thing ever.
OMG - I'm heaving now just thinking about it!