
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tuesings (or Monday Musings a Day Late)

I'm still trying to figure out how, when I spend an hour clearing off a surface, less than a day later, someone, SOMEONE, has cluttered it up again.  Dang poltergeist. 

One of these days, I am going to totally give up planning anything.  I had decided to take a vacation day yesterday so that I could get some things done around the house.  I did not have much time over the holiday weekend and I was rather desperate to have some down time.  Hardyharhar.  I had a much later start in the morning due to the afterglow of my sisters descending upon me to form a "Sisters' Day and Overnight Pre-Birthday Bash" on Sunday.  It was a ball!  - face masks, hair masks, hand masks, champagne, lobster, Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia, music, laughter, movies.  All three of my dogs are depressed - Pepper got to sleep with Aunt Connie and I get the feeling that he thinks it's my fault she is not now living with us.  Pfft.

Anyhoo, late start in the morning but totally worth it.  Planned to swing by and drop off a carton of eggs with my favorite egg customers and make the schlep to Trader Joe's.  Instead, sat and had coffee for an hour with my customer.  Decided to just make my post office run to mail a couple of Christmas (hahahaha) packages only to find that every post office I stopped at took their lunch hour right smack dab in the middle of my free time.

Headed back home and decided to get gas, since I didn't want to gas up on my way to work.  (This was before hearing about the impending ice storm).  While I pumped, I tried to call my hay guy for the sixth time.  Got him!  But I had to act that very afternoon!  Called my neighbor, who also gets hay from my guy, and beat a hasty retreat home.  I managed to let the dogs out and change clothes before my neighbor's truck and trailer came into sight.  Up the mountain we went.  I love my hay guy (I do actually have a crush on him) - he saves hay for me at $3/bale.  He sells to everyone else (except my neighbor because, well, it wouldn't be fair) at $4/bale. That would make quite a difference to my budget.  Then he stores the hay in his barn and helps us load when we need it.  Unfortunately, my neighbor with the trailer has only one speed.  Slow to the point of reverse.  Four and a half hours later, we were wrapping tarps around the hay in his trailer because it was getting dark and said ice storm was coming.  FOUR AND A HALF hours to move 106 bales.  I think the actual loading took a half hour.  The rest of the time was spent in painful ponderous-ness strapping and quadruple strapping the hay to the trailer.  Needless to say, nothing else got done, other than feeding all the furries.  I also discovered, mid-hay-loading, that I had forgotten to remove the egg-of-the-day out of my down vest pocket.  Plus, the weather plummeted from spring-like to raw and frigid and I got so cold it took me hours to warm up.  I had barely enough time to change clothes again and scuttle over to another neighbor's holiday party, where I mumbled a few words, tossed back a glass of wine, ate as many bacon-wrapped scallops as I could grab, and left.  I am not exactly a shining example of the perfect party guest.

Now I am all about my New Year's Resolutions.  I usually am all humbuggy about resolutions, but I think I need to take myself to task this coming year.  If one more wheel falls of this cart, I might as well call it a sled and downhill we will go.  The biggest problem is keeping the list to under 20 resolutions!


Mama Pea said...

Even though I could feel the slight angst and near hair pulling going on while you were writing this post, I found it funny and quite enjoyable. (Does this make me a really bad friend?) I'm still eager to hear about your new year's resolutions. Those of other people always fascinate me for some voyeuristic reason. (Whoa! I just looked up that "v" word to see if I'd spelled it correctly and see that the definition has a strictly sexual context. Methinks I'd better start watching how I use it!)

Sue said...

Ah, dear lady. I am looking forward to that list of resolutions. I can't imagine what on earth you could improve on---except perhaps to learn to NOT DO ANYTHING. You and Mama Pea need a good dose of that.

So, is Hay guy married?
Details, dear lady, details..................................

jaz@octoberfarm said...

yeah i want t hear about the hot hay guy too???? details!!!!

Sandy Livesay said...


Now you have all of us intrigued on wanting to know more about this hot Hay is he married......
The Pre Birthday celebration, was it yours? If so, Happy Birthday!!!

Do you ever slow down sweetie??

Leigh said...

All the surfaces in my house are clutter magnets too. :)

Sounds like you have a great hay guy and great neighbors too.

Michelle said...

Well, getting hay (especially before an ice storm!) is definitely high on the priority list, but I can feel the pain of your "free day" slipping away.

Susan said...

I think you need a no list day-perhaps it could be a resolution to allow yourself one a month. I just can't figure out how you could remove feeding the critters from your daily "to do".

CountryCityCindy said...

Yes, we need a pic of Hay guy.

Unknown said...

Hang in there, and yes pic of the hay guy :)