
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hot stuff.

While that could have been me about a hundred years ago, today it refers to my most recent kitchen-work.  Dehydrating hot peppers.  Thanks to the bounty of Moses Farm (those Moses of the Grandma Moses Moses...), I had a nice pile of various hot peppers to dry.  I love, love, love spicy food - although it doesn't like me as much as it used to.  Even so, I still try to spice things up as much as I can take.  This usually means a violent coughing/choking jag at the onset, then my system settles down and I can carry on. 

These beautiful chili peppers are destined to be dried and ground:

Shortly after this was taken, I had to go to the back of the house.  In that short time span, Lovey - she who has decided to surf the counters - carted off a line of them into the living room.  I do believe she only got one tooth in one pepper before there was some serious and lengthy slurping of the water dish.  Good thing she didn't try to taste test the habaneros...

Besides all the tomato processing, I am going to take advantage of the lovely peppers (non-hot) and make up a few batches of a great vegetarian stuffed pepper recipe.  Following the lead of my hero, Mama Pea, I am going to freeze up a number of future dinners.  Bring on winter!  (Kidding.  It can just take it's good old time and arrive in January....)


Sue said...

Ha-peppers on the counter just might "cure" Lovey of counter surfing

Enjoy the day!

Mama Pea said...

Oh, how my mouth dropped open when I started reading about Lovey snatching peppers off the counter! That is one lucky ducky little dog that she didn't just chomp right into them. I agree with Sue . . . dogs aren't dumb (well, okay, we had one that definitely had issues) and she may think twice before snarfing something from the counter again.

Please don't call me your hero . . . my Super Woman cape is currently in tatters, dragging in the mud and hasn't been laundered in ever so long. Plus, the tights just don't fit like they used to. I'm sure they've shrunk. :o/

Susan said...

Sue - I am sure hoping so. This is a new wrinkle in the never-ending surprises furnished daily by the dogs...

Susan said...

Mama Pea - I should have put my tea down before reading that last paragraph...snort! I've had the same problem with my tights. They must be made in China... :)

Fiona said...

Tights? Tights you all say! I am so laughing!
I bet Lovey will think twice when she See's something on the counter! The peppers are stunning and they so help us with winter. All the brightness and spice of summer! Do take care and happy preserving!

Susan said...

Fiona - Hey! Tights are high fashion up here in the hinterlands. Especially when they are the underlying layer to a stylish pair of lined jeans under your insulated Carharts...we're talking Michelin (wo)man here. Those peppers should warm things up this February!

jaz@octoberfarm said... least maybe your peppers will be safe!