I am officially over summer - I have had my Tomato Cheddar Pie.
And, thanks to friends and neighbors, I can stow green beans in my freezer.
All the stuffies have winged off to new homes (thank you all for the interest and kind comments). It has been extra fun because I have 'met' new people!
We had a surprise thunderstorm that pelted almost three-quarters of an inch of rain on us. There have been quite violent storms to the north, west and south of us, so I am not quite as cranky about missing the rain. Besides, giving up on one's garden does tend to relieve stress. Unless you have placed it within almost constant view.
Slimmie is over summer, too. I did some redecorating - which, in my case, means that I exchanged furniture that had been given to me for other furniture that had been given to me. I went from a chair and a half, to a chair. After some consternation, Slimmie managed to find a way to wedge himself beside me. He is thriving on his new diet (I'd thrive on it, too, at that price) and has regained his voluminous glossiness. I do love him to bits. Thanks (or not) to his new diet, he has become the herald of breakfast time. At precisely 6:15A, he begins to circle the living room, yowling. And he continues to yowl until I go into the kitchen and fix breakfast for the kids. He has me well trained.
As summer draws to a close, and in an effort to reduce air battles, I have put out an additional hummingbird feeder. I know they are gearing up for their long trek to their winter home, so I am happy to help. It's going to be rather quiet without them. However, I now have a flock of 50 sparrows, so that should fill in the silence. There certainly was a bumper crop of baby birds this year. I am taking that as a hopeful sign for this beautiful planet.
My visit to the orthopedic doc found that I had bursitis AND arthritis in my hip. Isn't that special? He gave me a shot of cortisone for the bursitis and a lot of useful information. My choices are - shots to the hip and physical therapy until it doesn't make sense, or hip replacement surgery. I have three months to mull it over. As loathe as I am to have any kind of surgery, I am dog-tired of the pain and limitations this damn hip has placed on me. Growing old is not for sissies.