Happy (let me check today's BGPs...) Wednesday! I spent a good five minutes lying in bed this morning, trying to figure out what day it was. I actually thought it might still be March because it was spitting snow and 27 degrees. I've been doing what I can to keep the little grey cells from jumping ship. Thanks to this freakishly rotten weather, most of my activities are indoors.
There has been cooking for dogs.
Nothing like the permeating effects of
baked liver. |
There has been planting - poblanos, zucchini (3 kinds), kale (3 kinds), lavender, cukes (2 kinds), Swiss chard (2 kinds), bunching onions (3 kind). I hope to add flowers and herbs to the list this week, if I have time.... snort. If the weather cooperates, I will prep and plant spinach, arugula and salad mix in the cold frame.
The work on the road continues and I'm taking it way too personally.
Peanut is the family snoopervisor
of all things outside and inside.
There's been a slowing down of staff conference calls - not surprising, as it was announced that we'd all have to take a cut in our salary so that the mothership can stay afloat. You could almost hear the unhappiness crackling over the lines. It was just a tad too ironic to have it announced just before Administrative Assistant Day/Week. It's not easy to try to reconcile the notion that you're appreciated, while they have their hand in your pocket. I feel for my colleagues who are working from home - with all the stress that entails - while having to make sure their kids are still learning, may have a spouse unemployed, and now have to worry if they can pay their bills. I am glad I still have a job.
I do find myself wondering - aloud and often - if it's happy hour someplace, starting after breakfast. As a matter of fact, I am wondering aloud waaay too often. I am, however, enjoying the 'kids'. I think Slimmie is the happiest that I am here all the time. He has taken to flinging his sizeable self onto my lap to help me with my typing at every opportunity.
I have more photos (!!!) but they are not appearing in my feed, so they will have to entertain you in a future post. A daily battle is waged with my over-used, under-powered, semi-ancient technology. I have a laptop that has all the oomph of a pile of string, while my new phone is so sensitive that I'm afraid to look at it too long, as it may be able to read my mind.
I hope you all are hanging tight, as they say (and 'tight' has so many meanings...) and taking good care of yourself.