It has finally stopped snowing. However, to add insult to injury, the temps have plummeted. I awoke on Sunday morning to -3*. If Mother Nature had been sitting in my living room, I would have given her a pummeling. And she would have been sitting in a cold living room, as I cannot safely light a fire because the ton of snow on the roof has shifted my chimney pipe to a slight angle. I'm not sure if it is seated safely, so will have to wait until spring when the true horrors of roof damage are apparent.
Actually, it is already quite apparent that there is a lot of damage - the oven fan vent is gone. The two bathroom fan vents are totaled. The fresh air intake pipes are toast. Sigh.
Exactly how I feel, Peanuttier. |
After calling around to try and find someone qualified to assess the damage, then having both parties contacted stand me up, I hired a local kid (the same kid that will be replacing my fencing) to clamber up a ladder and cover the open vents until I find someone who is qualified and will show up. Oh, to be 17 again. Not. Nothing can fix broken faster than a couple of plastic bags and a roll of duct tape.
The latest news is that the next nor'easter that was scheduled to drop more snow on us Tuesday/Wednesday, should go far enough out to sea that we will be snowless. Let's hope that is the case because it is going to take 'til June to melt what we have.
Saturday was a whirwind of activity involving Lulu (aka Zsa Zsa), long overdue shopping, more shoveling, checking on my parents, seeing my youngest sister, and finally getting a good haircut. I know that a goodly portion of my crankiness was the fact that I have been dragging around for months with a bad haircut. I have been having my hair cut by the same woman for years and I adore her. But...she is distracted by life events and I have had a bad haircut twice in a row. Tired of months of bad hair days, I finally checked myself into a proper salon (and paid the price...gulp) but myauntjessie, it was totally worth it. There may not be spring in the air, but there's a spring in my step now.
Sunday was - you guessed it - spent shoveling. There was still at least four inches of solid ice, topped by a mound of snow on multiple points along the front roof line. I had to unearth/snow my propane tank. 100# of feed had to be dragged through the house and down the back to the coop. There was knitting. There was laundry. There was cleaning. There was cooking. I made my favorite applesauce spice cake that is the best gluten free recipe I have found to-date. It is a breeze to make and the barn guys like it. I also made a new-to-me recipe,
GF Irish Cottage Pie, which is sort of like a shepherd's pie. The filling was grass fed ground beef (from my friend, Cynthia's, cows), leeks, garlic, carrots, peas, tomatoes, thyme, rosemary, basil, cinnamon, red wine, and Balsamic vinegar. It is 'lidded' with potatoes mashed with EVOO, and baked in a 350* oven for 30 minutes. It was delicious, but I would cut the amount of cinnamon in half the next time I make it. And I will make it again.
An update on Lulu (which she will always be, to me). One Sunday ago, after what I thought was a seamless meshing of foster and resident dogs, she attacked Peanut Butter without provocation. Luckily, I was standing close-by and was able to intercede. There was no damage done - just some terrified shrieking by PB - and Lu stopped immediately. But. After what we went through with Pepperoni and Kramer, there is no margin for error. The dogs were separated again, and I contacted the rescue. Through tens of calls and emails, involving at least six people, another foster was found for her that was perfect. Lu went to her first adoption clinic and had her follow-up vet appointment where the news was good - she lost 3#, her skin and coat are much improved and her energy level has perked up. They also figured she was closer to 7 than 9, so she lost two years, too! I am so happy for her and am glad I was the first step in her journey to her forever home. She was such a hit at the adoption clinic with the store staff, that they gave her a spa treatment - bath, ears and nails! What is not to love? I do miss her, however.
75# of lovable dog |
I only have good things to say about this rescue group - they do whatever it takes to make sure that dogs in their care are in the best place possible. The best food, the best vet care, the most loving care. I wouldn't be surprised if her foster mom decided to keep her forever. We are back to the four Musketeers and Slimmie seems to be very happy about that - I am thinking about renaming him Velcro. We are still on the foster list and hope to welcome another pooch into the fold. It is quite something to be part of the process that brings the realization to these dogs that their life is about to change for the better - the best, really. It is magic.