
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More on thrumming.

The basic 'ingredients'.

The photographs aren't the greatest, but I hope you can get the general idea.  Melanie should be the one showing how this is done, because I saw her thrummed mitten and it was awesome!  Can we all ask Melanie to oblige?  Melanie?  Are you reading this?  Please don't let the rest of the world think that this is the only way to thrum a mitten....

I found a tutorial that will give you a better (read: neater) view of thrumming mittens.  I did not use roving, as I had all those nice, lanolin-y bits from Flora to use.  With lots of fiber (vegetable matter) thrown in for free!  I tend to perversely NOT like symmetry.  I think this is a hold-out from the very contrary kid that I have always been.  In any event, this mitten will not only be w.a.r.m, but it will add lanolin to my dry skin.  Who could ask for more?

5 comments: said...

I haven't tried thrumming yet but my dad gave me a 'kit' for Christmas with some lovely wool and pretty roving (though those Flora bit sound so very nice!) Now that I've knitted a simple mitt, I feel ready to take on the thrum. Yours are lovely and look oh-so-warm! Thanks for the post.

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

Come to Mama! I need me some of those. Well maybe not now, but for next winter! Those look so absolutely warm. How have I not heard of this? Yours look wonderful.

Susan said...

Fiona - I think that they may be the answer to my chronically cold hands! The fleece felts into a nice matted lining after you where them for a while. I will just have to be sure not to have the fleece felt into a solid mass INSIDE the mitten.

Jane - If you are very, very good this year, who knows what Santa will bring???

Erin said...

looks warm!

Mama Pea said...

I've never even heard of this until your recent post, let alone seen it. I can almost FEEEEEL how wonderful it would be to slide a hand into all that lovely, warmth!

Fiona, I'd love for you, too, to post about this method when you get time to use the kit you have. Intriguing.