
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Snow Daze.

There is nothing like a snow day to inspire you to DO things.  Winter decided to arrive, finally, and it's been snowing, sleeting, raining for a day and a half.  The roads are lousy, so our office decided to close - Yay!

Do you remember that closet I was going to clean out, oh, months and months ago?  I finished it! 



It's not as "airy" as I'd like, but this closet holds my entire wardrobe and I'm not quite down to the Steve Jobs' look yet.  But I can now walk into it without breaking into hives.  It's a nice feeling.  So, while I was on a roll...I also cleaned out, rearranged and sorted through my gawd-awful linen closet.  I don't have a before, because I didn't want to frighten any small children that might be reading this blog.  Then I moved to the top of my dresser and organized and cleaned that.  I am about to refill my tea cup and head in for more.  Of course, I would love to have done the utility/laundry/tool/feed/gardening/dehydrating room, but I think I might need a permit for that.  And a Hazmat suit.


Carolyn said...

I dread cleaning closets, drawers, anywhere I can stuff things that has a door or drawer covering it all so I don't have to see it. But then one day it just comes to life and demands something be done. I almost lost one of the cats to a neglected coat closet once.

Michelle said...

I just finished cleaning my black hole.aka.. hall closet. I found stuff I forgot I had. That really bad. But at least it is now done. How long it last is another question.

EcoCatLady said...

It's snowing here in Denver too... of course, it's been snowing about three times a week since the beginning of February. Seriously, we're almost 2 feet above average for this time of year. Can you people please come take some of our snow?!?

Anyhow, snow days always make me want to cook. So I've got squash in the oven and a sweet potato stew in the crock pot... I'm still ignoring my clutter for the moment. But the garage will have to be tackled at some point... seriously, I can barely fit the car in there anymore! Maybe I can borrow your hazmat suit when you're done with it? :~)

Amy Dingmann said...

Isn't it nice that winter decided to wait until Leap Day to arrive? And you are AWESOME for showing us the before and afters of your closet. I haven't lived at this farm long enough to have to do closet work yet...but good Lord...give me a few months. Your closets look great!

Erin said...

you have a walk IN closet - I'm jealous! Looks great!!

Jenyfer Matthews said...

Wow - looks great! And aren't you industrious to do that on your snow day :)

Mama Pea said...

Well, ya know, I have actually been giving thought to doing a before and after post on my closet but after seeing yours . . . your "before" shot looks so much better than mine will look after I'm done . . . I'm too embarrassed to do it. Your "messy" is neat. No fair! Foul! Kick her out of the Horrible Closet Club.

gld said...

The closets look great! I need to attack the pantry....again. I organize each shelf and it looks so good and stays that way maybe two weeks.

The Steve Jobs clothes thing made me remember an article about a woman who was simplifying her life. The first thing she did was buy like 4 sets of really high quality dark skirts and tops and jackets and trousers,
like a man's suit. She said if they can do it women should too. I thought it was a super idea.

Candy C. said...

Good for you! The closet looks fabulous! :)
I have a little storage shed out back that is in dire need of de-cluttering but I keep putting it off and putting it off...

Susan said...

CR - The final straw came when I couldn't get in the linen closet and couldn't shut the door without shoving things around. And you know how it is -- once you get started....

Michelle - I know what you mean! I found LOTS of stuff I had forgotten about - and most of it is going to Goodwill.

ECL - Two feet?!? Yikes! You know, if it was January, I might be tempted to take some of your snow - now, I am heading into Spring (in my mind) and want it gone.

MamaTea - Ah, you just wait, young lady. Once you have a lot of space you start to collect without even thinking about it!

Erin - Well, NOW it is, LOL.

Susan said...

Jenyfer - I think it was more out of self defense. I just reached the breaking point.

Mama Pea - Oh, you are too funny. I cannot imagine that any one of your closets is even one iota as bad as my 'After" closet!

gld - That's the challenge - keeping it this way. If I can manage to focus for more than two minutes, I can probably manage. I think that's a great idea and one that I'm toying with. I am so tired of trying to figure out what to wear to work.

Candy - Ooh, a shed. Well I've one of those too. I think that, the further something is away from you, it's rather "out of sight, out of mind."

Leigh said...

I can relate! Our last bad weather day found me attempting to organize my pantry. I have to say attempting, because there are things that ordinarily don't belong there, but have a temporary home due to the kitchen remodel. Your progress is lovely to behold. Feels good, doesn't it!

Unknown said...

Good job! I'm going to re-organize my extra food pantry bedroom closet soon. I re-did my linen/hall closet and looks so much better!

Sheryl and Denny said...

Im your newest follower, found youthrough another fellow blogger. I have a cabinet to declutter that i have been putting off. Weather has been warm here which makes me want to be outdoors tending to my animals and getting the garden ready. Stop by and visit my farm.

Susan said...

Leigh - That sounds like a long-term project! But, still, it does feel soooo good to get things organized.

Nancypo - I always vow to keep it up, then don't. I'm weak.

Sheryl - Welcome! I will hop over and visit! If the weather is warm, my closets all go to heck.

Unknown said...

My clothing closet is looking more zen, since I'm losing weight and getting rid of bigger clothes. It makes it much easier to wear what you have though, if you have less...