
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A little bit of this and that.

It's that season - the faster I go, the behinder I get.  Thanks to Tai Chi and focusing on my breathing, I am starting to focus.  This is very helpful when one has two days with which to tackle a six page list.  It's been back to more typical spring-like weather - frigid nights and sunny but colder days.  Last weekend I lost all of Saturday to Tai Chi class, drop-offs and pick-ups, errands, parent-visiting/chores, and entertaining a neighbor.  I did manage to get a load of laundry washed and hung up on the line -- the weather perked up Saturday afternoon.  I roasted one of last year's French Reds - making room for this year's batch; and I tried something new - Beer Soaked Crispy Baked Fries.  They were great and easy.  Veggie Ventures is one of my favorite sources for good recipes.

On Sunday, my official non-driving day, I started early and tackled the inside of the barn.  Which, of course, was not on my list.  But I cheated and wrote it down when I was finished.  Then crossed it out.  Hey - don't tell me you've never done that (or at least have been tempted to.  I am weak.)  I was so tired of the total disarray in there - it was impossible to tell how much hay I had left, thanks to the willy-nilly stacking of Doug's teen-aged helpers.  Plus, they had kicked and shoved my straw bales to one side, totally breaking the bales and causing all kinds of mess.  So I hauled everything out, moved pallets, enlarged the goats' area, raked and swept the loose hay to one side and the straw to another, then re-stacked the hay.  Oh, did that feel better!  And good golly!  I am due to get more hay -- soon!

Then, off to the small chicken coop to clean that out and get it brooder-ized.  I have 15 Red Ranger chicks arriving soon.  And, even though I said I would not start seeds, I lied.  I made two dozen paper starting pots and sowed my basil, parsley and Ancho pepper seeds.  Then I moved my dehydrator out of the laundry room and set up a hanging light over the top of my dryer.  Voila!  Light, warmth, cat-proof!  I got a few things checked off the list, although I wasn't able to get all my laundry dried on the line, as it started raining before things were totally dried.  But that is why I have my Homesteader Drying Rack, right? 

Still left is getting the raised bed ready for peas, removing the straw mulch from strawberries and garlic (check!), seeding some new spots with forage blend, CDT vacs for the sheep/llama, and countless other jobs.  But, I am not stressing this year.  Remember:  focus.  And a case of Two-Buck Chuck mixed reds.


hoosier girl said...

Shew- I need a nap just from reading all that! Isn't springtime fun?

Susan said...

HG - Oh, yes, it's a BALL! It is actually very nice to be able to get out and do things. If there were just fewer things to do...

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

Six page list? Is that your micro-list you were talking about? Geesh, I would hate to see the long version then ;)

Susan said...

Jane - It's a sickness. I have micro lists of my main list. I'm not sure why I think this makes my life easier....

thecrazysheeplady said...

And a case of... oh you know it! :-D

Michelle said...

I like when I get things done on my list. But it seems to grow over night.

Dirt Lover said...

Holy cow, girl! I'm tired now. But, you said something about strawberries, and that reminds me my neighbor gave me some strawberry plants that need to get into the ground. I could get some in before too late today! Off I go.

Mama Pea said...

Ah, Susan, Susan, Susan! I'm not sure a whirlwind such as you should be doing Tai Chi. Won't that confuse your body and mind? I have this picture of you going full-bore at about 65 miles an hour, screeching to a halt, doing 10 minutes of Tai Chi, then screeching off like Road Runner, repeat.

Wait to hear me complaining shortly. We're starting on the living room ceiling tomorrow. Gosh, I just love overhead work like that, don't you??

Unknown said...

What's a french red? A tater or chicken?

Candy C. said...

The barn looks very nice and you DID get to cross a few things off your list! Two Buck Chuck always helps with my stress level! ;-)

Tombstone Livestock said...

WOW, I am not getting a lot crossed off my list, did accomplish one or two things today, Shearing got done on Monday, I spent couple hours with new weedeater (my body keeps reminding me) now if Merry Maids would pop in and clean my house, (oops I guess they don't come if you don't call them) oh and Saturday need to clean patio with leaf blower to get rid of the Mulberry blossoms ..............

Problem with lists ... cross one item off, 6 more add themselves on.

Susan said...

TCSL - Amen, sister.

Michelle - Lists are like rabbits that way - turn your back on them and WHAM!

Lori - I succumbed to the half-off sale on strawberry plants and now I have to wait until the ground is warm enough to put them in. Hope you got yours planted!

Mama Pea - Oooooch. The mere thought of ceiling work is making me hurt all over. Pleeeeze be careful, young lady. You are going to earn that evening glass of vino.

Nancy - Heehee. It's a chicken - but that would also be a mighty fine tater name.

Candy - I forgot to label "before" and "after" photos - you can hardly tell the difference. Harumph.

Susan said...

TL - Believe me, shearing has got to be one of the biggest jobs there is on a homestead/farm! My sheep are scheduled for late May/early June. Apria can't wait!

Erin said...

I need some of your energy!!