There are two things in this world that I cannot resist - a man in a kilt and a dachshund. Or any dog, for that matter. Should a kilted man arrive at my door bearing a dachshund (or any dog), I would be putty in his hands. While no kilted man figures into my story, my favorite rescue group contacted me last week about a dog that needed placing. Yes, it was a dachshund. A 13 year old, 13 pound male, long-haired dachshund to be exact. (Did I ever mention that 13 is my lucky number? No?) His name was --- Pepperoni. I will admit that very few rescue groups come up with good names for their charges (Lovey is an exception), but his name is a real clinker. It was NOT created by my rescue group - he was surrendered to a shelter where someone creatively (read: not) laid that moniker on him.
In my own defense, I did hesitate. Then I agreed to meet him and, well, my heart lurched this way and that, a large, pink cloud of maternal warmth rose up around me, my melatonin levels elevated and it was over in a second.
It is a foster doomed to failure.
I'm going to call him Schatzie (roughly translated from the German for "Little Treasure" or "Little Sweetheart").
Ain't he cute? |
Seeing as my life seems to be open to continual chaos (so my friend, Jane says, and it's true), I brought him home Friday, after a brief but busy stay at the vet's - raging UTI, neuter, 11 teeth extracted - to meet the crew. As is always my custom, we first introduced everyone by taking a nice, long, smell-infused walk down my road. It went well. Then we came inside and Schatzie began his introductions by humping both dogs whenever and wherever he could. He apparently was brought up in a monastery. Scrappy was not amused, Lovey thought he was kidding. No one got much sleep that night. Things calmed down exponentially the next day, and we are gradually working into our slightly revised routine. Did I also mention that I had to move the Nuggets from my laundry room (hallelujah!) to the small coop, and get ready for overnight guests? Chaos is my middle name.
It was a very fun-filled weekend, chaos or not. Friends from Central NY, who I have not seen in ages, were wonderful. They were the breeders of my original Icelandic sheep, and are dog whisperers. That turned out to be very helpful. We had a ball - non-stop talking, dinner out, more talking. Then Schatzie met my parents (giving Scrappy and Lovey a rest), my two tweenie chicks learned to put themselves to bed at night (hallelujah again!), Lovey was left out of her crate multiple times when I drove off and nothing got shredded (hallelujah yet again!), I got my currants picked, grape vines covered in netting, chicks all sorted, laundry done, and harvested my first broccoli from my plants in my garden extension (a corner of my neighbor's garden). It was a very satisfying weekend.
"Schatzie" is so . . . predictable. I liked Pepperoni! heh
Sounds like an incredibly productive weekend. As always, you're amazing!
Michelle - True, but he seems to react to that a little, while ignoring Pepperoni completely. Plus, by the time I spit out all four syllables, his focus is long gone... :) I am, however, open to suggestions....
OMGosh, you are such a pushover. (And bless you for it!) Schatzie will have the best home possible for the remainder of his years. I'm with Michelle and liked "Pepperoni" (which would undoubtedly get shortened to Peppy -- how common!) but Schatzie is a great name, too, and fits you (and him, of course) to a "T".
schatzie is one lucky little pup!
I avoid rescues while we are renting in town.....but the day we are moved into to our new place I will be getting a dog! Schatzie is wonderful and he sure looks stoic after his vet visit!
I also have a soft spot for older dogs. Good for you and good for him!
He doesn't look like a piece of meat for pizza..........Pepperoni.....nah......I like Schatzie.
He's a cutie! We both have a big heart when it comes to animals.
13 is your lucky's mine too.
Sorry I was still thinking of the man in the kilt coming to the door with a cute little dachshund , could happen. :):)
Schatzie is cute you are hooked now. Hug B
What a sweet face! 11 teeth extracted? Owie, hope he had some pain meds :)
Mama Pea - That's me. I can be pushed over with a feather. I'm still working with his name - he seems to respond to Pepper, while ignoring Schatzie completely.
Jaz - He is so darn cute!
Fiona - You are so smart. I try to avoid them, but they have my number. And email address. He is a spunky little guy.
TM - I would pick an oldster over a puppy any day. You know what you're getting.
Sandy - Soul Sisters! He is rather shaped like a pepperoni - long and narrow... :)
Buttons - From your lips to God's ear... :):)
Nancy - Yes, poor waif. He gets meds twice a day, disguised in a healthy dollop of soft food.
Holy cow! You were one busy girl. ANOTHER little one?? Hope he's all fit soon.
Oh, and I really like the name Pepper for him.
Good luck with the new member of your family - and the chipmunks! So far I am too soft to do much about them in my garden but they have totally taken any and all strawberries I might have had.
I am so glad he has a good home. I had spotted him on the Peppertree website and really considered but, with three dogs already, I hesitated and then he was gone. Glad it was to you.
Peter - He is a complete doll. I am very lucky. Isn't Peppertree the best?
Yes, my latest addition came from them. Blue, a 10 plus (now 11 plus) year old sheltie. All sorts of medical issues but none that they didn't tell me about. And she is a dear love. I also have two collies from Collie Rescue of New England, both also with medical issues. I figure my main indulgance is vet bills for my gang. Worth every cent.
We are twins. A man in a kilt and a dog? Be still my heart. Schatzie is adorable. Please keep him forever says one failed foster to another. :o)
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