
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Hellooooooo 2020!

I'm not sure where I found this photograph - but it fills me with happiness every time I look at it.  So, don't let the door hit you in the butt, 2019, but I am very glad to see the tail end of you.  I am having very optimistic feelings about 2020 (a one-term imposter and a return to sanity and compassion, being high on my list) and I am going to will it to happen.

My best wishes to all of you, that your brand-spanky New Year is everything you hope for and more!


Mama Pea said...

OMG, that picture! If only we could all maintain that feeling for the whole New Year! Look out joy and happiness, here we come!!

tpals said...

I don't think I've ever seen a happy camel. :) A wonderful start to the 2020s!

Goatldi said...

I am with you. I have loved this photo for years and believe it was in a photo contest somewhere.

May all you give return a thousand fold!

Rain said...

Happy New Year Susan! :) 2020 is going to be awesome, I can feel it! :) That photo is so cute!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love this photo too -- a girl and her camel enjoying life together! Happy New Year and may all your 2020 wishes come true!

Sam I Am...... said...

I copied that photo off of FB several years ago...I love it also!
I will "will" your wish for 2020 right along with you! Happy New Year!

Lynne said...

That photo is something else. Love it! What a good way to start the New Year! May the New Year be fulfilling for you, xo

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Love it! Happy New Year!

Theresa Y said...

Happy New year susan

jaz@octoberfarm said...

that picture could be because the camel burped! the white house imposter better get booted out this year or i might have to go to DC.