
Monday, June 15, 2020

Last seen wearing ... and big, fat, noisy babies

It has occurred to me that, should I go missing, I must either give more thought to what I wear or embrace the eccentricities that are flourishing during this period of isolation.  If I were to tottle off today, the APB would read:

"Sixty something woman disappears - last seen wearing light grey orthopaedic slip on trainers, multi-colored, hand-knit woolen socks, stretched out once-black shorts (elastic waist), over-sized 24 year old Juvenile Diabetes t-shirt (with holes), washed-out black cotton, zippered hoodie, and a permanently dazed expression.  Approach with caution."

Of course, there are upsides to the description - I'd be easy to spot in a crowd.

I spent a great deal of time this chilly morning (yesterday it was 34 freakin degrees!) in the middle of a hummingbird kerfuffle.  I have been replacing their feeder every other day but I neglected to put the new one out last night.  They were not pleased.  A male red-throated hummer confronted me (it was rather terrifying, actually) about a foot from my face and maintained that aggressive stance until I  replaced the empty feeder with the full one.  Geez.

I would have loved to have stood outside longer, listening to the sweet burbling of the resident wren, but I couldn't hear myself think.  The back fence to the chicken yard was dotted with big, fat crow babies.  Lordalmighty.  It looks as though we have another bumper crop of them.  I suppose, if you are a crow parent, you learn to ignore the incessant noise, but it can wear on your last nerve.

I am going to do a garden tour to allay any fears that my garden is toast (thank you for your concerned comments... :) ), as long as I can conjure up photographs.  My old laptop is not getting along with my new phone, and is so far refusing to recognize any pics taken after May 26.  Fingers crossed.

I am now off to be Zoomified with my co-workers.  Joy.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Do you wear the same outfit for your Zoom conferences? Inquiring minds want to know!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i would die on the spot if anyone saw how i am dressing these days. but i do enjoy this newfound freedom! crow babies...i've never seen them.

ellen abbott said...

do you put up a poster of a fake officey background for your zoom meetings? I heard that's a thing. as for me, I'm glad I'm mostly retired. I wear the same outfit for a week.

Susan said...

Debra, I do, indeedy. Given that there are up to 600 people on some of these calls, I could appear naked and no one would notice.

Joyce, crow babies look exactly like their parents - although they try to fluff up and look pathetic while they whine. They are huge and far past helpless at this stage. Vis a vis the wardrobe, my laundry load has been cut to a quarter of its original size.

Ellen, I will reveal my favorite prop for zoom meetings soon.

Mama Pea said...

This will show you how slovenly I've become . . . these days if I have to run out for a quick errand anywhere, I know I'll have to wear my mask so I don't even bother changing out of my grubby gardening clothes. I figure nobody is gonna recognize me doing my imitation of The Masked Bandit, right?

Joanne Noragon said...

I remember hummingbird standoffs. We'd be enjoying a June evening on the deck and whizz, nailed by three. Yes, a mere foot away, No, less. I was cross eyed, looking at them.

Susan said...

Not sure when I changed my outer clothes of soil impregnated cotton pants secured with pins, t shirt, dog hair covered cardi and floppy gardening hat. Someone said, just yesterday, I needn't worry about people keeping the two metre distance.

Michelle said...

Over 600 people on one Zoom? I can't even....

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

34 degrees? Oh my goodness. Hope your garden is okay. Deer have found our tomatoes. Sigh.

Steve Reed said...

Perhaps the hummingbird was just eager, rather than aggressive. (Hopefully!)

Goatldi said...

My hummers also. While the pair of doves blissfully join the chickens in the morning for scratch if the wild bird feeder is empty. The hummers are not likely to go elsewhere but queued up for high aerobatics until my oversight is finally remedied.

Are there 600 people in the world? It may be time to go back under my rock.

Retired Knitter said...

600 people on one Zoom call!! Good Lord. However, I disagree. If you did attend in your birthday suite - it would be noticed and proabably would increase participation - sort of a "Where's Waldo" moment! Haha.

Sam I Am...... said...

You always make me smile as we are definitely kindred spirits! I have 2 feeders out and no hummingbirds. There was one a week ago but he/she never came back. I got a feeder from my daughter that came with the food so maybe they prefer my homemade? I put up a bird feeder too with orange slices feed, and peanut butter and the deer had a feast! How do people feed birds without the deer eating it all? My neighbor has a fence...not fair...she gets all the birds over there! Maybe I should write to Dear Abby? Or whoever it is nowadays?
I hope you get your "technical difficulties" straightened out as they are so time-consuming and who has that kind of time during gardening season? Good luck!

Helen said...

I doubt your 'clothing' would/will standout that much anymore. I think most of us have given up being 'fashion plates'. I might have to do what my teenage son did (it was brilliant). He only bought shirts/slacks/sweaters in black, olive green or gray/white. He explained that it didn't matter what he grabbed in the went together. Now why didn't I ever think of that?