
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Salad, anyone?


This bad boy was in my vegetable box at my favorite farm's share table.  It measures 20" across!  Good grief!  It is now taking up a quarter of my fridge and I am busy researching salad recipes.  

Update on the next phase project - after a disappointing meeting with the local estate appraiser/auctioneer, we now have to sell/donate most of the parental furnishings ourselves.  Connie and I had a powwow yesterday and photographed everything, then sat down and tried to come up with fair prices and OBRO alternatives.  I am doing the posting and front work, and Connie will do the showing.  Why is it that all the interesting 'jobs' that one can add to their resume, come when one doesn't need a resume?

Meanwhile, my container garden is doing better than any in-ground garden I've planted in the last five years.  I may have found my gardening niche!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck with the furniture sales!

Theresa Y said...

How about hiring someone to do an estate sale for you?

Steve Reed said...

Good luck selling the stuff. When we sold my mom's house -- and my grandmother's house before that -- we left some of the furniture to go with the structures. We just couldn't deal with it all.

Retired Knitter said...

That was some lettuce. I love the multi-color ones. Not sure if they taste different, but because they are colorful - they appear to taste different! hahaha.

Michelle said...

I've learned that furniture brings very little. Yay for gardening success!

Susan said...

The lettuce is beautiful. If it didn't cost a thousand or more to get to your mother's house I would be over like a shot. Granny chic (or just Granny) is my style. I expect you will meet lovely people who appreciate well loved pieces.

Joanne Noragon said...

My daughter went to container gardening several years ago. She swears by it. said...

Check out I just heard about it o Iowa Public Radio.I need to look into it. Around here container gardens do better especially when they are on my porch....sevral steps above the "critters". Good lcuk...I've been rying to get rid of stuff for years!

Nancy In Boise said...

Gorgeous lettuce! I know it's always hard dealing with estate stuff I had to do that with my mom. I was able to sell some things at the state sale that I did one day only. The rest got donated. All is hard to figure out what to do with some of that stuff

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Wow, that is some lettuce. When Mom passed, it took all of my siblings and I too do the same with her belongings. It was difficult too. Not many people are buying stuff right now, and getting someone to pick up something vs. asking it to be delivered, and then there was Mom's wishes. No estate sale was to be done, and nothing whatsoever was to go to Goodwill. We were coming up with new places to donate after other things were sold.

ElaineChicago said...

It sounds like you all are moving right along. So happy for you.. Veges and pets all seem happy too.

Retired Knitter said...

Oh my, that head of lettuce is beautiful! Almost a shame to eat it. Almost!