Thank goodness Kay and Melanie have come and taken pictures. A photographer I am not. But here are some pix thanks to Kay. All seem to be eating and warm, even if there is quite a wind blowing. Hopefully, Melanie will post her pictures on her blog -- Kay has more pix on Facebook.
Flora's little white ewe lamb |
Flora's little black-faced ewe lamb. |
Freyda's BIG ram lamb on right. |
The sweaters were a downloadable pattern from Kristin Nicholas you can find
You might have heard the audible "awwww" when I saw these pictures. Those little lambie sweaters are so cute. I know they are for warmth but we females seem to have a penchant for dressing up little babes! Don't know how you keep from sitting in the pen and cuddling one or more on your lap!
Hello? These must be the best dressed lambs around. What does one do for a lamb shower?
YOU HAND-KNITTED THE LAMBS' SWEATERS??!! Well, that cinches it. I will never live up to your down-homestead-y talents! What a loving lamb mama you are. Do the ewes stay with your flock? How 'bout Big Boy?
P.S. Word Verification is "Joyess." It must feel particularly joyess around your homestead today.
Too stink'n cute!!
There is nothing more adorable than those baby lambs. Wait, lambs in hand knit baby sweaters! There is something more adorable!
CUTE!! In all my years of seeing lambs born I never get tired of it, NEVER! They are adorable! I had to laugh at the thought of sheep wearing sweaters!! Enjoy those babies...
Awe! They are so darn cute and stylish too! I love the little sweaters! Very cute!!
Thanks, everyone! I am wiped, and I didn't do anything but run around ineffectually. Everyone is doing well and I'm doing some power knitting for the ram lamb. Cold, wet, rainy, sleety weather coming up the next couple of days. I keep hoping that winter's given up. Not.
Terrible upcoming weather for the new little critters, it sounds like. But don't forget, they've got their warm and wooly moms to snuggle up against. And they're all healthy so they should be fine. Wish we lived close by so you could drop the little ram's sweater off with me on your way to work and I could work on it during the day!
Congrats on YOUR three lambs (same totals for sexes, too)!
Yes, I have a few more pics. Getting them off the camera and into the computer seems to be TODAY'S challenge...
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