
Friday, March 8, 2013

Snow Day? I think....yes.


The Maine Gray Zone said...

Ooooh how great Friday and a snow day. We only got an inch here.....but cold and windy.

Mama Pea said...

Happy, happy, happy Snow Day! Enjoy yourself to the utmost . . . but pace yourself shoveling, please.

We either have to move south (where all the snow is in our state of Minnie-soda) or to the Northeast by you. I have now officially given up on winter for us for this year. :o( said...

Snow day, for sure! While I'm loving the longer days and the warming (sort of) weather, I do love the hunkering down feeling of a snow day. Enjoy, and as Mama Pea said, stay safe!

Jenyfer Matthews said...

How's that Snow Wolf working out for you?

Sandy Livesay said...

I would say so!!!

Stay inside, have a nice hot chocolate, bundle up and do something you really enjoy doing.

Stay warm!

Candy C. said...

Uh, I vote YES for a snow day for you! Yikes!! Stay warm up there!
We are actually supposed to get snow overnight but, of course, nothing like that.

Unknown said...


LindaCO said...

I'm just reading this Friday night. Hope you had a wonderful day!!

Susan said...

Yes, the timing was good from that aspect - of course, it feels as if I'm using all my vacation days to shovel snow!

Susan said...

Funny - I was thinking that I'd have to move north to get relief from the snow! I'm sorry you had such a dud of a winter - I would have gladly sent most of this north to you!

Susan said...

I have to say that I like these "bonus" days off! And I do hunker down - in between bouts of shoveling.

Susan said...

It's working great - it really helps when one is faced with almost a foot of heavy, wet snow. Much less strain on your back.

Susan said...

Yes! More knitting!

Susan said...

Yes, better here than in Arizona, right? Funny thing was that yesterday (Saturday) it went up to 50! Still lots of snow, but the roads are clear.

Susan said...

Ain't it, though?

Susan said...

Thanks, Linda. I did get to enjoy most of it - since I was saved in the late afternoon my my neighbor with his plow truck!