Just call me bi-lingual...or being capable of fusion-speak. Or a nut. Salted.
I would like to introduce the Patroon of Poultry - the Sultan of Sweezie's Flock:
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
He is currently working on his crow. It sounds like "OFF WITH HER HEAD!!" as yelled through a rusty door hinge. I wouldn't call him a classic. Yet...
Good looking guy! I have a couple of hens of the same breed. They're very pretty. He'll get that crow right yet, you'll see...
And if he gives ya trouble---King of the Roasters.
I just LOVE adolescent rooster crows....I think ours always sound like those cheap paper party horns you get at New Year's Eve parties.
Very nice coloring.
Good lookin' boy you have there!!!!
I love when they first start to crow. My last little roo to crow would have an extra ooo at the end. Endless laughter in the chicken yard!!!!!
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