
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Good Golly.

Last week, I found my office neighbor in the parking garage, measuring his parking spot.  I wondered why.  Now I know.  It barely fits.  He is a nut.

I wonder if it came with paddles....


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those were the days when cars were CARS!

Mama Pea said...

Ha! When I was last in town a string of old cars came down the highway and through our little town most likely on their way from Canada to a car show somewhere by the Big City. One of them was a '56 Chevy and the only reason I recognized it was because when I learned to drive that was the make and model of our family car. I was struck by how wide and big and clunky it looked. No wonder I felt like I was driving a tank!

DFW said...

My husband calls those "Land Yahts". Nice car though.

Sue said...

I drove a boat like that as a teenager. Thank goodness gas was only 79 cents a gallon. As I recall, it got a whopping 8 miles to the gallon.

Buttons Thoughts said...

:) WOW. Hug B

Susan said...

I remember when my father bought his latest Dodge and it had FINS! Cool!

Susan said...

My first ride was the total opposite - a 1968 VW Bug! I LOVED it - manual transmission and all. As a matter of fact, I have driven a manual transmission ever since.

Susan said...

Perfect description! It is immaculate.

Susan said...

I will have to ask him what his mileage is. And how he manages to navigate corners.

Susan said...

Ain't it something???

Charade said...

Wow. I bought a pale yellow Cadillac Coupe de Ville with pale yellow and soft gray wool plaid seats (in immaculate condition with super low mileage) from my aunt sometime in the Eighties. As I drove it from Denver to St. Louis, all I could think was how far mankind had come that a young woman could sit in her living room and be transported down the highway in such comfort and luxury. Too funny! Every time I stopped for gas, someone seriously offered to buy that thing from me. I hope your office mate gets lots of pleasure from his land yacht! Thanks for the memories.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Ha ha ha! When it's a motorcycle you can slip into any small spot. Nice car!