
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Isn't it amazing?

It amazes me how something so small can cause so much havoc?  Yes, it is my annual dosey-do with Lyme's Disease.  After dragging my carcass around for weeks, blaming it on everything BUT Lyme's, I made an appointment to see my NP and got the news.   21 days of doxycycline and I should be right as rain.  Until next year.  I wouldn't even have thought about LD if it weren't for the fact that, what I thought was a fly bite behind my ear had a desiccated tick body firmly attached.  Blech.  Our weather has gone from fall to summer, with highs in the low 80s.  Fornatssake.  I'm afraid my tomatoes will start growing again.


Buttons Thoughts said...

I am so happy you have a country that recognizes this as a threat to humans and not just pets. We have to insist on testing here in Ontario.. You will be good as new in no time. Take care and try to rest. I know you won't. hug B.

christina said...

I live in B.C, and Lymes is taken pretty seriously here. Glad you are on the path to feeling better.

Sue said...

So glad you got that checked out (and problem solved!)
Hubby had one once. I just happened to brush up against a "bump" on his back. Ick.
Hope you're better soon!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm glad there are drugs to treat it!

Unknown said...

Do get some rest as best as you can and hope you are feeling "right as rain" soon very soon!!

Michelle said...

Yikes, on LD AND your temps!

Gail said...

Glad you have medicine.

Heal quickly.

Susan said...

Really sorry the LD has got you. I think the treatment is pretty debilitating is it not?

Vera said...

Hope you get over this for temperatures, ours are still high for this time of the year so some of our fruit trees are blossoming!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh no....bad news! hope you get better soon. this weather sucks.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Oh my gosh, I hope you feel better soon. I know what you mean about those tomatoes. The thing with tomatoes though, you can't run out of things to make with them, ha ha!

Susan said...

B - They are everywhere! I know you are careful, being outside as much as you are, tending to your beautiful cows. xoxo

Susan said...

Christina - I'm always shocked at how widespread the problem is. I was also shocked when I found out that they don't freeze to death in the winter. It's not fair.

Susan said...

Sue - ICK, is right! They are grossamundo. This one cozied up right next to the post of my earring. They are sort of amazing, in an icky way.

Susan said...

Debra - Let's hope they don't become resistant to this particular antibiotic. I sure don't want to take anything stronger...other than a glass or two of a nice pinot noir for medicinal purposes.

Susan said...

Thank you, Beth!

Susan said...

Michelle - I know! The temps are awful!

Susan said...

Me, too, Gail. Thank you.

Susan said...

Susan - It's more that you have to be uber-careful not to take it on an empty stomach, not to take it two hours before/after dairy products, red meat and anything to do with iron or calcium. It's hard to keep all that straight.

Susan said...

Vera - Thank you! The poor fruit trees! They must be so confused.

Susan said...

Jaz - This is NOT right for October. Not at all.

Susan said...

Kristina - If anyone knows what all can be made with tomatoes, it is you! I don't want to deal with my garden because I have too many pre-winter (if it ever arrives) things on my list.

Fiona said...

We are getting rain....yipee!
As to the tick bit good heavens girl! Get better fast!
Our guineas....[guinea now] did their job. One tick on Ralph and none on me. The poultry I think helps our crazy place be fairly bug free!

Florida Farm Girl said...

Bummer. Hope the lymes is under control quickly. It's nasty stuff.

Mama Pea said...

The bad ticks (are there any good ticks?) are increasing here in northern MN but I know they are much worst on the East Coast part of the country. Glad you caught it when you did and will be right as rain soon. Arrrrgh, just one more thing to slow a person down and create a little stumbling block. Take care, dear friend.

Susan said...

Fiona - Yay! So are we! When I had guineas, they refused to leave the back yard, so did a great job on 1/8 of an acre (while they survived) but the rest of the property was a tick bed. Maybe I can train a chicken or two to be my body guards...

Susan said...

FFG - I hope this is not really going to be an annual event. It stinks.

Susan said...

Mama Pea - There are NO good ticks. Not a one. I think it will soon be tickopolyse, or whatever. You'd think I be more flexible about dodging these stumbling blocks, but the old joints ain't what they used to be. xoxo