
Friday, October 21, 2016

Today's lunch.

Put on the sunglasses!
Sock pair No. 2 in a rather gaudy shade of yellow, fluorescent green, olive and tan.  What was I thinking?  It must have been a heck of a sale...  At least, when I'm head-first in a snow drift this winter, with clogs in the air, I will be easier to spot.  I et the Macoun apple.

Heading into another jam-packed weekend with a schedule that has changed sixteen times since Tuesday. I have errands I have to run, feed to buy and my favorite vet is squeezing Juno and I into his already crowded Saturday line-up.  It's going to be a blowsy, rainy weekend, but there is work that must be done outside.  On a bright note, the kids and I have all been invited to a cookout on Sunday - where it's not supposed to rain, but be very windy.  If only weather forecasters were as reliable as a hike in our taxes.  Hope you all have some fun planned in your weekend.  (lalalaMamaPealalala)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

They'll see you coming in those socks!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love those socks they remind me of a pair my Mom knit. I wish I had them now. Take care and keep resting you and take your medication. Lyme is not a thing to forget you have. Hugs B

Michelle said...

My goodness, those ARE a little hard on the eyes!

Deb said...

I love yellow so yep, love the socks. You've just reminded me to get my knitting out for the cold weather ahead. Deb

Deb said...

I love yellow so yep, love the socks. You've just reminded me to get my knitting out for the cold weather ahead. Deb

Mama Pea said...

As one who believes we need a lot of color in our lives, I totally approve of your neon, glow-in-the-dark yellow socks. Are you resting? Are you taking care of yourself? Are you giving that old Lyme Disease a boot in the butt out the door by doing so?

Fiona said...

Wow! Like neon headlights on your feet! But I bet they will be toasty!
I made an applesauce cake with some of the apple sauce from our trees and it was a hit. They made great applesauce.
Your weekend sounds like a marathon. We are working in the tobacco barn modifying pens and removing stall dividers with 10,000 nails in them!

Fiona said...

PS: Please do NOT wear your socks in the same room as Mama Pea and her socks! :)

Florida Farm Girl said...

I'll trade you some of my sunshine and dry weather for some of your rain.

Gail said...

I like the colors. I think it is wise to choose bright colors for siting purposes too!