Saturday, my DS and I went on the next of our 'adventures'. This one involved a whole lotta driving with swag at the end. She had never seen one of my lists, so was quite taken aback to see the size of it. I did have to confess that Everything was included on that list - sort of a stream of unconsciousness listing. In order, we:
Hit my local Trader Joe's (local in less than two hours away).
Hit Marshalls, where we did some damage.
Hit JoAnn Fabrics, where I did some damage.
Hit the Asian Supermarket, where we spent way too much time, wandering the aisles, oohing and aahing.
L-R oyster mushrooms, fresh rice vermicelli, GF soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, baby bok choi, Asian sweet potato |
By the time I had dropped her off and driven home from VT, I was bushed! I managed to do chores and make dinner, and pick two more gallons of strawberries!
Up to 4.5 gallons picked |
I made some sun tea and put it in my new dispenser (part of my Marshall's haul)! Which turned out to be a piece of junk - at least the spout is. I wondered why it was so cheap.... Luckily, I found a replacement tap online, so I am hoping that it works and that I can actually use it.
The only thing I like right now, is that it is a good size - 1 gal. |
While the cheese was 'cheesing', I went outside and tackled a few of the items on The List. Laundry was washed and hung on the line. I started to re-sink the posts on the ducks' enclosure, but I kept hitting rock. I am going to have to reconfigure the fencing. I also 'hilled' the potatoes, meaning I added another tire and filled it with compost. I was one tire short, so I had to improvise on the last one with a length of plastic fencing. We'll see how it does. I moved my small, short bird bath into the front garden, and exchanged it for a larger, graceful one that I got for an outrageously low price from my friend, Nancy. She had a vintage/antique business for years and is now in the process of drastic downsizing so they can sell their house and move to Cape Cod.
I did some weeding, but there is so much still to do. Before I collapsed, I took a few shots of the garden - weeds and all. There's much more to do, but we are making progress.
Red currants are coming! |
Beans - note spotty germination. But, really, how many bean plants does one person need? |
Onions. I planted them closer than usual, because I use every other one for scallions. |
Two-tier-tire potato plants in foreground, with jerry-rigged extension in background. Bintjas. |
Weedy pepper bed with volunteer kale |
Tomatoes |
Three kinds of squash |
Last night, as I was taking down my laundry and heading in to make dinner, there was a big barney in the hoop house. As I glanced over, I saw the big, bully rooster chasing a slightly smaller rooster out of the door and into the fence. Which zapped the poor guy. Who then lost his pea-sized mind and started racing from corner to corner, bully in close pursuit, getting zapped at every turn. I high-tailed it down, rescued the reeling roo and then turned the stink eye on the bully. He shot out of the fence and I managed to corral him and get him by one leg. I then heaved him over the fence, where he landed with a splat on the ground. That knocked the starch out of him for quite a while. By the time I was ready to close them up for the night, he had recovered and was sidling back inside. Hah, I thought.
This morning, he was at it again, so I grabbed him by two legs and hauled him into the duck yard and into the isolation unit. Where he will stay until he goes off to Freezer Camp next Saturday. Honestly.