
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The train to Looneyville is picking up speed.

This morning, I ran out of gas.  And I don't mean that figuratively.  I have never run out of gas in all my (many) years of driving.  Ever.  I had to call around to see which neighbor a) was awake and b) had a can of gas.  I finally located one who was willing to come save me, but it took him almost a half an hour to go in his garage, get the gas can, put it in his truck, and drive the less-than-a-mile to my driveway.  I thought I was going to go mad.  I didn't want to go back in the house because the routine had already been set in motion and the hounds would commence baying if I made any alteration to the process.  Then, again, once I leave the house, they only recognize me as an intruder in a car, so bayed their tiny heads off anyway.

Earlier that morning, after finally casting off the first sleeve on the sweater from hell, I realized I had been knitting away in denial for the entire sleeve.  Hmm, I had said to myself - OFTEN - how odd that they have you INcrease every X rows on a sleeve.  Oh, well.  Lalalalalalalala.  Once I (ACTUALLY) cast it off, it looked all wrong.  I checked the pattern (now, THERE'S an idea), I realized I was supposed to DEcrease every X rows.  No shineola, Sherlock.  I had to rip it all out, which is so much extra fun with fuzzy thread-weight yarn, and start over.


There's plenty of room on this train, if anyone is headed in the same direction....


On a totally different note - IT RAINED.  A short thunderstorm rumbled through last night and it poured!  We got half of an inch and it has been raining off and on all day.  Huzzah!


Buttons alias Grace said...

Yay for rain. Boo for no gas and knitting woes.

wisps of words said...

Ran out of car gas. -sigh- Does no good to remember that we should 'remember' to check gauge. ,-)

Bit of thunder and lightening and some rain, over here too. Followed by a horrrrrrribly humid day. No relief from those storms.

Feels like you have to wring out the air, before you breathe it. :-(((

Michelle said...

Bell sleeves are a thing, you know. Just sayin', except that you've already frogged. And yes; huzzah for RAIN!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i think most people are jumping on the fall train with me. this has been an awful summer. we got a bit of rain last night too but it sure didn't cool anything off.

ellen abbott said...

yay for the rain. I've run out of gas one time that I can remember to disastrous result. in my defense, I was a stupid 17 yr. old.

Mama Pea said...

Methinks ripping out your sleeve was worse than my recent ripping out one-third of a sock!

As for the running out of gas, at least it happened in your driveway. Think how much worse it could have been!

Yay, yay, yay for the rain! Hope it all soaked into the dry, thirsty ground.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Time for a restful holiday, perhaps?

tpals said...

I came close to running out this week. Normally I fill up on my monthly shopping trip but work kept me from going and I kept forgetting to stop locally for gas...until the car got annoyed and told me it was time.

Yippee! Did you do a happy rain dance?

Goatldi said...

I am a well oiled machine. I am trained to never go back up the hill without making darn sure I have enough fuel to get back down. I will add that on occasion I have pretty much done that on fumes. Wanna talk about locking keys in the vechicle?

Conga rats on the rain. Right now in my little corner of Nor Cal if they call for thunderstorms we pray for rain to go with it .
Those of us who made it through the dry lightening strike fires of 2008 are still a bit skittish.

I am enjoying a bowl of wheat flakes with raisins as it is too warm to consider anything with heat involved. In fact I believe it has been almost four weeks since I baked my last loaf of sourdough 😢 Or even thought about turning on my oven.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Oh dear. Blame it on the heat?? Want to know when my husband ran out of gas? When he drove home from the hospital after I had given birth to our first child. Let's all take a moment and think about how close to disaster that was!! -Jenn

Theresa said...

May more wet stuff rain down upon you all! I wish you could send it back here.
Here's to moist soil, full gas tanks and fresh starts. Lace weight for a sweater, you are nuts! :-)

Susan said...

I was thinking about you this morning - and willing our rain to go north!

Susan said...

It's true, isn't it? Feels like I'm transported to Panama when I walk out the front door.

Susan said...

LOL! I was thinking (hoping) that maybe the sweater DID have bell sleeves, but they were not.

Susan said...

I am so ready for the end of this summer. It has sucked lemons.

Susan said...

Yes, yes. Rub it in. Maybe I'm regressing?

Susan said...

I was definitely feeling your pain, my dear. I just can't believe I actually knit the WHOLE THING, while hoping it would turn out to be something different. This takes denial to a whole new level, doesn't it?

Susan said...


Susan said...

I knew I needed gas Sunday night, but blissfully drove all the way to the city and back without remembering it. I am very lucky I didn't run out on top of the mountain.

Susan said...

I usually check the gauge every Monday morning. I can't even blame it on my book on CDs, as it not all that riveting. It could have been the wild turkeys... Oh, sistah! I am on a first name basis with the AAA guy! I hope you get a good, soaking rain and a temperature drop to go with it. I only turn on my oven before 6A.

Susan said...

Excellent idea! Good lord! That was divine intervention if I've ever heard it. Bet he never let the tank get low after that!

Susan said...

We got a good inch and a half over the day, so we are all feeling relieved. Yes, I am definitely certifiable. It's almost as bad as an entire sweater knit out of mohair... :)

Ed said...

I've never ran a car I was driving out of gas but I've been riding in a few that ran out of gas. Back before fuel injection, it wasn't such a big deal restarting it again. These days it takes a bit more work to get them firing again.

Susan said...

I am glad I didn't have trouble and I'm wondering if the fact that I fill it at least once a month with the highest octane available, helps.