
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

image via giphy

It's going to be a very small gathering of girls this holiday, but we will make it as festive as possible.  (My sister has mentioned something about purple yams and edible glitter....I'm not sure if that is a combination or a choice, but what ho!)

My contribution is to ask (demand) that everyone choose a Native name to honor Native Americans on this day.  My own name will be Laughing Owl .  What would be your Native name of choice?



Mama Pea said...

Princess Summer Fall Winter Spring. (Anybody out there old enough to remember Howdy Doody?)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"I Yam What I Yam" -- enjoy the edible glitter!

Michelle said...

What else? "Dances With Horses"!

Susan said...

"Walks with Butterfly" Many North American indigenous cultures have a butterfly symbol. Usually it is a positive thing. One thought is that it brings comfort. A butterfly has been a regular motif in my life and since learning of the comfort meaning I think I was sent one to alleviate a lonely and difficult childhood. Some might say "Butterfly Brain" would be an apt name and it would be true-always flitting from one thing to another. P.S. what does a laughing owl sound like?

Joanne Noragon said...

Sunshine. My old CB handle.

Goatldi said...


Goatldi said...

She Who Walks On Ledge And Lands On Feet. 🦃

Retired Knitter said...

Yes, and I have a picture of me as a child with her!!

Mama Pea said...

Retired Knitter - Oh my gosh, how cool!

Theresa Y said...

Running chicken would be my name. Happy Thanksgiving to you all