
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Five down, too little too late for six, and Groundhog Day comes early.

I managed to get the front walk shoveled but, when I reached the carport, I was too late. Damn.   I had to send for the Calvary in order to get my car out. Unfortunately, there was body damage so I’ve had to deal with my insurance company. This is the first time I have ever dealt with them for a claim, and it will be the last. Anyhoo, I’ve got a date with the collision guy on Wednesday and hopefully will get my car back quickly.

 I closed everybody up last night Dash four of the hands have decided to camp out in an out building. Not that I blame them, as one of them is at the bottom of the pecking order and is probably tired of all the abuse. But it just adds another step to my already busy chore list. Chickens. I came inside, drew the curtains, had an adult beverage (or three) and called it a day. This morning, when I ventured out, I found we got another 8+ inches of snow! Jiminy cricket. Joyce, feel free to come up and share the snow love. Bring a shovel.


Mama Pea said...

Oh, no! It's one thing to be able to sit inside and look out at the beautiful snow-covered environment, but when you have to deal with too much snow in too short a time . . . well, sending wishes that you've gotten all the snow-related difficulties over this early in the season. Also, you're tough enough to handle this, I know. Just pick up some more wine the next time you can get out to a store. Hugs!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i'll be right there! i'll bring 2 shovels and 2 very furry snow loving pups!

ellen abbott said...

are you sure you wouldn't just prefer one or two chigger bites?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Did your carport roof collapse from the weight of the snow? Bummer!

Michelle said...

Yikes! I'm going to guess that the "cavalry" did the damage, not the snow.... Now stop stealing all of Mama Pea's white stuff!

Susan said...

I sure hope this is the worst of the winter - but I don't want to jinx myself.

Susan said...

Oh, your pups would love this stuff!

Susan said...

It's starting to sound almost welcome to this. Almost.

Susan said...

Yes, the snow was really wet, plus we had the added 'benefit' of a period of heavy sleet and ice. I just wasn't able to get out to clear it in time.

Susan said...

The cavalry actually prevented even more damage being done. The metal structure of the carport collapsed onto the car and I couldn't get it out without all of the snow being raked off the carport cover. Which meant ladders and snow rakes and shovels. I would so gladly send this snow her way!

Sam I Am...... said...

I love snow but not when it does damage like that! I'm so sorry you have to go through all that. I hope things get resolved and your car gets fixed and your insurance company makes good on their policy!

Goatldi said...

Good grief Grace!

May I add that when to do it up big you do it in style with class!

I had to laugh at Mama Peas comment. I have a friend who exclaims whenever she finds I have snow “I just love the snow!”

So I am thinking “sure it is love able when you are sitting inside with wood stove roaring and a hot drink in hand. “ folks without livestock don’t get it.

Susan said...

I hope so, too. I talked to my local insurance agent who was very nice. Unfortunately, when I called yesterday, they were snowed out and I got sent to headquarters. They were the PITS.

Susan said...

Ain't that the truth? It's shoveling all those dang paths that gets to me - especially when I have to do it three times in one day! However, a roaring woodstove and a hot drink sure sounds appealing.

Goatldi said...

If it makes you feel better this exact dilemma happened to my plumber from Nor Cal last February during the big snow. His wife just got a brand spanking new red full size pick up. The weight of the snow caused the car port to collapse in such a manner that with the red truck beneath it resulting effect was heart shaped ❤️

Mama Pea said...

Yep, we'll take it! The only good thing about our wind-scoured bare ground (well, besides the awful amount of ice covering everything) is that our temps have remained moderate enough that, so far, we aren't worried about the lack of the snow insulating the ground so that the roots of all growing things aren't damaged by frost going too, too deep.

Michelle said...

So glad to hear your local agent is nice; THEY can deal with the corporate PITS (or is that PITAs? 😉)!

Retired Knitter said...

Susan ... I hate to say thing but technically we are in FALL - not WINTER. Winter has yet to make an entrance! I say ... brace yourself and hang on! It is going to be a rough season.

Susan said...

Elaine, I am sticking to the old calendar – and as far as I’m concerned (she says in desperation) we are coming in on midwinter.

Joanne Noragon said...

I believe you're over the limit for the season.

Goatldi said...

When you find them give a shout-out would you?

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Oh no! I sure hope you didn't have much damage and that it's all fixed up soon. Golly.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Apart from a bit of a dump a couple of weeks ago, we've been pretty so lucky so far. We did have freezing rain a day ago which have left things slick. So sorry you had trouble dealing with insurance. It's an "interesting" racket, insurance, isn't it? -Jenn

tpals said...

Oh no! So, do you choose to read something hot like Crocodile on the Sandbank to escape or something cold like The Long Winter to reaffirm that you still have it better than them?

Susan said...

I picture you out in the snow yelling and shaking your fist.

Nancy In Boise said...

Bummer on your car! That's a lot of snow!

R's Rue said...


Rain said...

Oh that's awful Susan...sorry you had to deal with the insurance company, I bet that was a "treat".