
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Late but not Lost

I am finally in the holiday spirit.  Now that it's Christmas Eve, I'd say that I slid in without a moment to spare!  I was looking through my photographs and found an odd assortment that somehow never made it onto the blog.  So, in no particular order...
The Headless Cat

Roasted cauliflower with tahini, pomegranate and

Mashed roasted purple yams

No caption needed

Tiny Tim, the Farm Bunny

Lovey loves her new blanket

Unknown hybrid from Marianne's farm - still intact
since it was picked in early October.

Tiny Tim has a friend!

Christmas Gift Plan B
The holidays are very pared down this year.  It's just the 'girls', since losing dad in October.  My sister, bless her heart, announced that Christmas dinner will be all vegetarian this year.  This has given me the opportunity to make my nut/mushroom loaf with mushroom gravy!  We are doing stockings, although I will be thrilled to have a no-gift holiday next year - it's my mission!  I've been knitting like crazy - there are five stockings, so I managed to squeak out 3 pairs of socks and two pairs of fingerless mitts.  Plus a pair of mittens for my neighbor and a pair of fingerless mitts for a coworker in the City.  Yeesh.  My mother's socks are drying on the sock blockers as I type.

Marianne is always tough to gift.  This year I decided to bake them my favorite Christmas cake - a cranberry cake that is mostly butter, sugar, eggs and cranberries.  Held together with flour.  Since our local grocery stores have, apparently, decided that no one needs fresh cranberries after Thanksgiving, I was forced to use a bag of frozen berries.  That cake took FOREVER to bake!  Instead of an hour, it was almost two and a half hours.  I finally pulled it out of the oven at 9:45P and let it cool slightly before taking it out of the cake form.  Except....I fell asleep and it sat in it's cake form, welding itself to the metal, for almost an hour.  I draped foil over it and went to bed.  In the morning, armed with my third cup of coffee, I contemplated the mess and decided to cut it into slices, which I then formed into a spiral on the cake stand and festooned with holiday cellophane.  I minced into Marianne's and told her that I not only had brought dessert, but I even cut it into individual slices to make it easier.  Aren't I the virtuous one!?  Thank goD, it tasted fine and everyone loved it.

The 'kids' get to spend Christmas with us, so I am very happy.  With any luck (plus treats and having extra hands to help) I will get photos of them in their Christmas sweaters.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday - whichever and whatever you celebrate!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Awwwwww, Tiny Tim and friend! Your cranberry cake sounds yummy. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and all the best in 2020!

Susan said...

Holy blazing needles! May you and yours have a snow free, solid roof, standing fence, co-operative animals, trouble free car, Christmas. I hope I didn't miss anything.

Mama Pea said...

Wowzer, your knitting needles must be smokin' after what you put them through! And you sure do take good (outstandingly great!) care of all your critters both domestic and wild. In my next life I want to come back as one of your dogs, on the couch, snuggled in a soft blankie, and sleeping a lot.

Sending the best of holiday wishes to you and your family. Here's to a wonderfully content, fulfilling, happy, happy New Year, too!

Michelle said...

Low-key seems to be popular this year, including here (oh, and at the White House! When asked what he got Melania, tRump responded that he got her a nice card!). You have been a very busy knitter, bless your tired fingers. I hope your family celebration (yay, that the furkids are included!) is sweet, and quiet, and delicious. Amen.

Lynne said...

Love the pictures, especially tiny Tim and friend. Great idea what you did with the cake. I'll have to remember that. You sure have been knitting alot! Wishing you the merriest of Christmases and a successful New Year!!

Rain said...

Hi Susan :) Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! I hope you have a fun time. Oh my gosh, the Marx Brothers, I ADORE Margaret Dumont!!! Your bunny photos are precious!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

merry merry xmas!!!!

Goatldi said...

Well darn it all. Callie resident cow dog has been looking for those bunnies everywhere!

You go girl and when you get a chance to breath recipe please?

ellen abbott said...

well, yay you. hope you're having a fine holiday.

Theresa Y said...

Merry Christmas to you and your four legged beasties. Hope all is calm and bright!

Ed said...

Food is always my fall back gift. We usually make a batch of something to keep handy in case unexpected gift bearers come knocking.