
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Volunteers, Autumn tries for a foothold (and fails) and Dimples finds her flock

I have been enjoying the fruits of my volunteer arugula for weeks now.  There is nothing more satisfying than produce that you didn't have to plant and fuss over, right in your backyard.  This little cold frame has been churning out early and late greens for the past four years, bless its little untreated wooden heart.

It's very frustrating for someone who loves autumn with all her heart, to have to suffer the return of summer, smack dab in the in the middle of fall.  All the trappings of my autumn/winter cocooning have been put in place.  We had three days of snow.  My furnace came on.  Then it was 72 degrees.  Good lord.  Being inherently stubborn, I continue to drag around in my fleece robe, sweating and grumbling.  The twinkle lights on the fireplace are the only things keeping my spirits afloat.

It seems as though I will be spending most of my retirement on endless phone calls.  I thought I had everything in order - but, no.  I received a bill for my Medicare coverage at the same time I received notice that they were deducting my medicare payments from my monthly SS.  This means that I have to sit down and brace myself for an hour+ of calls to track down a human that knows his/her stuff and can straighten this out before it get out of hand.  To further complicate things, I discovered that, just because your medical center accepts your insurance, not all of the doctors within that center follow suit.  Yes, you guessed.  All my doctors except the orthopedic group accpet Humana.  Fernatssake.  The good news is that I am still within the open enrollment period, so I can switch insurers without penalty.  The bad news is that I am not looking at surgery until after the first of the year.  It should be an interesting winter.

There are definitely good things about gimping around with my cane.  I went to the town hall complex to get transfer station tickets and had to go through the whole hip explanation with the town clerk.  By the time I got to the transfer station with my recycling, two days later, both attendants raced to my car and would not hear of my lifting a thing, having been told about my 'affliction'.  It does make my independent-as-all-heck self bristle, but it also makes my presently-limited self grateful.

I am continuing to clear out things that I no longer need, want or, never used.  In the process of rehoming a 10x100 foot roll of greenhouse film (you never know when you might need one of those, right?  How about 'never'?), I met a young couple who decided to give up suburban life for a life in the country.  They had a large garden, had just built a hoophouse structure, and had chickens and ducks.  In the course of our socially-distanced, masked conversation, I mentioned that my duck, Dimples, was now a lone duck.  No longer.  She has gone to join their flock of 8, with a swimming pool.  It was bittersweet - I knew she was lonely for duck company (and was taking it out on the chickens by bossing them around), but I have had her since she was an egg.  I hope she will be happy.


Retired Knitter said...

"I've had her since she was an egg." And THAT is why I would make a terrible farmer and livestock caretaker. I make everything into a pet and once a pet, they are under my roof forever - maybe not literally but figuratively. But you did what was best for the duck - hard as it was I am sure, and I the end - that is what makes a good animal caregiver.

I am with you. Fall and winter should be TOTALLY free of summer's interference. Our weather is too warm for November. I am just over it all. Bring it on - Mother Nature! I am ready for your cold side.

Carolyn said...

It's so nice knowing that you can re-home a critter to someone who will appreciate them (well, other than on a dinner plate).

It's going to be in the low thirties here for a few nights....come get 'em, I DO NOT want them!

Give everybody a good butt scratching for me. The animals, I mean.

Rosalea said...

I so hear you!! Being independent and able, (for the most part!) it is weird to have the 'young 'uns' jump in to help. (You have the immediate urge to find a mirror....Do I look that decrepit!!?) In a way it is nice to let them do stuff for you. Ditto on the weird weather. There are raging, gusty winds today, and the temp it dropping from 18C now, to 2C by morning. (from t-shirts to thermals!) The fire will be lit tomorrow morning, after a week of not needing it. Hope you can get stuff sorted, and the phone calls aren't endless, so you can get on with enjoying retirement.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Farewell, Dimples, and good luck in your new home!

tpals said...

You made the right decision for your duck. I wonder how long my visiting turkey will be satisfied with chickens for company before moving on.

Good luck getting the coverage straight. Humana told my parents to switch from the local doctors to ones 30 miles away. So strange.

Michelle said...

"Normal" is just a setting on the washing machine; boy howdy, that more true today than ever before it seems! If I didn't have this little piece of paradise to keep me occupied and entertained, it would be MUCH harder to maintain any sort of equilibrium. I am jealous of your greens, but glad for you.

Joanne Noragon said...

Hooray for Daisy; she won't have to crane her neck to see her folks now.
I'm totally with you on the season flip flops. Those days it got to 80, I had to beat myself up to go down from three layers (one wool) to a short sleeved T.
Keep up the good fight with the medico insurance. I had it out for six months with sales tax and when I took it up again this month, I was informed the problem really was fixed, disregard that notice and expect no more. We'll see, but I am cheerfully optimistic you can resolve yours, in the fullness of time.

ellen abbott said...

wait. what? hip, cane? did I miss something? hip replacement in your future? everyone I know who had one was happy. but yeah I get the independent part. people want to tote things for me because of my age. I tell them when I stop toting then I won't be able to as I tote stuff. and so sad. letting go of the egg to a happier life.

Debby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ed said...

"I've had her since she was an egg" sounds better than I've had her since she was a gleam in the drake's eye.

tpals said...

I asked my parents about the double billing. They take a set amount from the social security then bill you for the balance. This is normal for Humana.

Susan said...

"Having Dimples since she was an egg" I feel like crying, a bittersweet tale of sacrificial love. Be assured the bond will not be broken. Dimples will be like one of those tigers who run out of the jungle when they hear the voice of a former keeper from 20 years before.

Loved the story of your helpers at the dump. Small town thing? Kindness is everything.

Marcia LaRue said...

I have Humana and what you set up is having your monthly premium for your Humana and Medicare coverage taken out of your SS check.
If you have Humana PPO it is $100+ a month because it covers meds and everything and you pay a small amount for the medicare coverage, as well.
I had the PPO for a long time, but switched to the HMO coverage and there is no premium except for dental coverage.
Talk to an agent to get the best policy for you and to get the coverage you require.

Leigh said...

If you must endure a runaround for your insurance, the least you could get is cool fall weather!

Sounds like the move for Dimples was a good call. I'm sure she's happier and your chickens are happier!

Marcia LaRue said...

I pay $165.80 a month for my Humana and Medicare and that is deducted from my Social Security check. said...

How did I miss you injuring yourself? What happened? You poor thing! That on top of all that paperwork and bureaucracy? Plus, the weather? You have not had an easy slide into retirement! I have been decluttering (death cleaning) also and I have been very accident prone lately with no good reason either. Take care and so sorry about your hip! Stay safe and stay well!

Steve Reed said...

Awwwww, that's sweet about Dimples. I'm sure she'll be happier with her new flock. Maybe you can visit her! Medical insurance (including Medicare, apparently) is always such a nightmare.

Debby said...

Your disgust at the return of summer in the midst of fall is directly proportional to my joy at the return of summer in the midst of fall.