
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

I'm getting a new hip for my birthday! Woohoo!


Peanut, just awake

After meeting with my surgeon - who I love - I am scheduled to get a hip replacement on January 26.  I was also thrilled to know that it will be an outpatient surgery - morning in, afternoon out - and she performs the surgery from the front, between the muscles, so the recovery is much faster.  Both my sisters are lined up - one week each - so now all I have to do is wait impatiently.  I have to go to hip replacement surgery class, where the surgery is discussed, as well as what to expect vis a vis recovery.  Hurray!

And none too soon.  The weather has become more seasonal (as in cold) and it's slowed me down even further.  I'd lose in a sloth race at this point.  I'm just hoping that we don't get an ice storm between now and recovery.  Hahahaha.  I've been working on my small item list - things that need to be done without having to move fast, climb ladders, etc.  The bird feeders are out and my annual battle with blue jays has begun.  

It's going to be a quiet Christmas, which is hunky dory with me.  My sister got a tree and had it inside and decorated in record time.  She is a marvel in every conceivable way.  I will take a picture of it the next time I am at mom's.  I've been having Sunday dinner with them - it gives me a chance to spend more time with mom and my sister.  At 97, mom is starting to decline.  It's also a chance for my sister to spend time with someone under 90.

I've got a run to make for Marianne tomorrow and I am going to do some Christmas shopping while I'm at her store.  If I can manage to remember, I will take some photographs of the store, inside and out.  She has created a wonderful spot.  Since I had a gift card burning a hole in my pocket, I bought a piece of handmade Irish ceramics that I had been eyeing for some time.  Marianne on a brave front when I told her I was going to use it to store dog biscuits.


Susan said...

Hooray. Can't wait for people to ask what you got for your birthday and you start unhitching your pants. Did I tell you I worked on a hip unit for one of the pioneers of hip replacement. It was obviously about a century ago as I am flabbergasted it is now day surgery. Mr PB is one adorable dog.

Michelle said...

Hey, most of us just older and frailer with passing birthdays, and YOU are getting a retread! (New axle? Something!) Bully for you! Now TAKE CARE of yourself between now and then.

Mama Pea said...

Such good news re the hip replacement! You are going to be SO ready for gardening season in the spring. Ain't nuthin' gonna be holding you back then. So good to hear that you've been having Sunday dinner with your dear mom and sis. (Don't get me started on what is really going on with this whole COVID thing.) Love the ceramic jar you've chosen for storage of your doggie biscuits. The furry ones are your kids and why shouldn't they have the best? I look forward to pictures of Marianne's store . . . and in a couple of months, your surgery scar. Does this mean the end of your bikini wearing years?

Ed said...

I've have three people I know personally who have gotten either a new hip or a new knee this year. The two that got hips were both up and walking that day. The one with the knee took a lot longer to recover. Hopefully your new hip goes as well as those I know. said...

Good luck with your hip surgery. It will be good to get that behind you! It's great you have a good Doctor also. That's a win, win !!Like the pottery you picked out. Our Christmas will be quiet too. The virus is rampid out there. My granddaughter does the remote learning from home. Thank goodness! It's wonderful you still have your Mom. My mom was ninety five when see died . She lived with me the last ten years of her life, still miss her to this day. You take good care of you!! Linnie

Nancy In Boise said...

Hoping your hip surgery goes well! Faster recovery is always good. Hopefully somebody can come to your house and help you with your Critters outside? I did take a supplement called Juven that help speed surgical recovery. It definitely gave me a lot more energy to, my doctor said it helps process protein better. I can't recommend it since I'm not a doctor but you might look into it oh, I was able to find it at my local Walgreens Pharmacy it's over the counter.

jaz@octoberfarm said... and out in one day. that is something! good for you!

Florida Farm Girl said...

I'm so happy to hear that you'll be having your surgery in the foreseeable future. Nobody every looks forward to surgery but this is a necessity. Hang in there meanwhile and be safe.

tpals said...

Hooray for the hip! So very happy for you that it's all worked out.

I've been spending Sunday afternoons with my parents, watching football with my dad and doing word puzzles with Mom on our kindles.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good news! Congrats! Your hip replacement will give you a new lease on life alright!

Leigh said...

I'm so happy for you. It's so hard to live with mobility problems and pain. I'm especially glad you like your surgeon! That's a real confidence booster.

wyomingheart said...

Our neighbor just had the same surgery, and he was over trimming trees three weeks later! Seems unbelievable, but he said that he feels fantastic! So... Congrats on the date... stay healthy and we are sending our strength and love from the ridge!

Steve Reed said...

Love the ceramic bowl -- ideal for dog biscuits, it seems to me. I can't believe hip replacement is OUTPATIENT surgery! That's amazing.

Goatldi said...

Good for you!

My sister had this done last Spring no Summer postponed due to a virus’s issue. She was as you will be in and out like dry cleaning. Yippee!

ellen abbott said...

well, that's good news. everyone I know who has had hip replacement surgery is happy. said...

OMG! I was having a hip problem but it is better now and I was thinking what if I had to have hip replacement surgery? Well, you made me feel better about it with the morning in afternoon out concept. I didn't realize you were having problems/pain! I think mine was bursitis...I looked it up on the web. My daughter says I shouldn't do that but there is no way I'm going to a doctor right now.
I hope all goes well and how long is the recovery? Will you be able to do for yourself? I have no family or friends down here so if I get sick I am up Shitz Creek! LOL! God bless your Mom and what wonderful daughters she has. Stay safe and stay well! When you have time please email me your address. Hugs ~ Sam

Debby said...

Day surgery?!!! Dumbfounded here. But I am glad you are getting that surgery at a time of the year when most folk don't mind staying inside.

Debby said...

Ps does this make you a happy chick?

Debby said...

Ok...I was trying to be funny. Hippy chick.