How lucky am I? Not only do I have a source for ramps, but she is such a good egg that she didn't blink so much as an eyelash when I begged to go dig ramps in the pouring rain! Since the time to harvest ramps is short (and pungent) and my free time is equally short, the window was closing fast this past Saturday. And, of course, it was cold, blustery and pouring rain. My friend, a mere youngster, is not bothered by such small things, so off we went, pitchforks and buckets in hand, to slog up a long muddy road to the mother lode. (I would tell you where it is, but then I would have to kill you. So I won't.) We talked and laughed and dug bucketfuls of muddy ramps. Then we slogged down the road and washed them in a brook. More talking and laughing. By the time I had dropped her back at her place, we were both soaking wet and mud-splattered. But we each had a 5-gal bucket of lucious, aromatic ramps. Yum! Said ramps are now residing in my fridge, with half of them washed and chopped and in my freezer. It's all good.
WHAT are ramps? I've never heard of this wild (?) . . . root???? before.
They are like a very pungent onion. They are supposed to have a very 'cleansing' effect on your system, ridding you of winter toxins. So they say...
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