
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This Pilgrim's Progress.

Every time I hear "pilgrim", I think of John Wayne.  Although I am not a fan, particularly, that word/Wayne is now hardwired into my psyche.  Scary stuff.

THIS Pilgrim's progress was made over a nice, long weekend filled with an equal amount of hard labor and social froufrou.  Not my usual combination, but nice!  One of the Boyz made it to the vet on Friday (it was definitely a pipe dream thinking I could maneuver them both into their carrying cases.)  So Kramer was "it", and checked out fine except for the possibility of worms.  If only they'd just gum their prey....  I am still happy with my new vet and will gladly fill his calendar with my small animals.  Wish he was a sheep vet, though, instead of an equine specialist.

Then it was home and shoveling manure into piles and moving it around.  Since it's now Tuesday, and my recall of the weekend is anything but total, I will highlight the progress - in no special order:

Set up incubator and started guinea eggs
Got up at the crap of dawn, did a fast version of chores, and drove up to meet Marianne and then go to the poultry tailgate - in my continuing quest for 'ready-made' guinea hens.  No dice.
Dug holes and planted two of three willow bushes; blueberry bush
Cut, dug up and attacked brambles in part of front section
Weeded, staked and covered currant bushes.  I am determined to thwart the birds this year.
Schlepped manure to three raised beds and dug in one.
Planted same with onions.
Planted potatoes - hillbilly style - in tires:  Yukon Gold, fingerling, Calypso (blue-skinned/white center), red, and another miscellaneous that I got from Marianne.
Cleaned out the rest of the herb bed and planted parsley, rosemary, basil.
Hard boiled two dozen eggs so that I would have one dozen 'purty' enough for deviling.  I was thinking of Carolyn Renee mightily for two days.
Had the Lithuanian Lawn Guy over for dinner Friday night.
Attended the dreaded Kentucky Derby Party Saturday night - 'tho the Mint Julep was awesome.
Made an awesome Thai Chicken Curry with Thai Fried Rice for Sylvie Sunday night, as she is my official 'guinea pig'.  Does anyone know if it's possible to grow lemongrass?
Did five loads of laundry and hung them out.
Fell into bed exhausted WITHOUT doing my ironing.  Something had to give - unfortunately, it's almost always the ironing!

Now I am relishing the fact that it is a rainy, miserable day and I don't care - because I am in my office.  Thinking about my pile o' ironing.


SweetLand Farm said...

WOW sounds like you had a busy weekend for sure. I like how you put the "social froufrou"! fun word!
Enjoy your ironing. And have a great rest of the week!

Carolyn said...

You know, I've had a hankering for an egg salad sandwich :)

Susan said...

SLF - If this rain keeps up, I will not have a reason to ignore my ironing, dagnabbit.

CR - You just come on up and have few (hundred) ugly eggs.

Sue said...


Did I miss something?

Lithuanian lawn guy?

Jenyfer Matthews said...

We need that Thai Chicken Curry recipe, pretty please :)

Susan said...

Sue - 80) No, you didn't miss anything. It's the nickname for my neighbor who cuts my grass and periodically jumps in to help me!

Jenyfer - It is from a wonderful cookbook that I found through Jabez Farm's blog - The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook. I will post the recipe this week.

Mama Pea said...

Are you SURE the Lithuanian Lawn Guy is just your nice neighbor who helps out once in a while?

Send ironing. Will send back to you by return mail.

Amy Dingmann said...

If you would have done the ironing, we probably would have heard about you on the nightly news! Holy moly, sista, that's a ton of work!

And what's this about the Lawn guy??

Candy C. said...

After reading all that I think I need a nap...

elsie said...

I grow lemongrass here in central VA and I it did great until frost. I probably could have brought some in to over winter but just bought some new this year. The goats really liked the grass parts and I cut the stalks into little rounds and froze them. Works great.

Ngo Family Farm said...

I've grown lemongrass in a big pot before, but I didn't get much of a harvest (although you really don't need much, I suppose). I put the freshest stalk I could find at the market in water to grow the roots - it takes weeks, but eventually they sprout :)

Erin said...

Busy! Hey potatoes grown in tires are known as 'taters LOL!!! I do it redneck too, in a section of culvert plastic pipe on end :)

my word verification was SHTSHIP.... LOL when are we setting sail?