
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What's wrong with this picture?




Jenyfer Matthews said...

Mother Nature has quite a sense of humor - I think we've had more snow this March than we did in December!

Mama Pea said...

It's not unusual for us to get a good bit of snow in March up here in northeastern Minnie-soda so we haven't been shocked by our two 5-7" snowfalls so far this month. (It just may be more than we got the whole rest of the winter!) The not-so-nice thing about this last snow is that there is solid ice underneath and our temperatures have plummeted. Why couldn't we have this weather that is so winter-like back in December? January? February? No daffodillies for us in March, that's for sure.

Carolyn said...

If it makes you feel any better, it's only supposed to be 51 today and 36 tomorrow.

Kelly said...

Too funny! Mother Nature she's a hoot!!!!

Sandy Livesay said...


Mother nature has been playing tricks on all of us.

Aimee said...

A whole lot is wrong with that picture! Come on spring!
I do remember spring coming early for us last year and being glorious. But the year before...I remember it snowed on May 1. =(

Susan said...

Yes, she does. Can you hear me laughing? No? :)

Susan said...

It does seem rather topsy-turvy, doesn't it? I mean, I was all for a REAL winter - and we had one. But now it's time for winter to go away.

Susan said...

Actually, no it doesn't. 36 sounds downright balmy. :)

Susan said...

Kelly, you've heard the expression, "laugh 'til I cried"? I just skipped the laughing part...

Susan said...

Sandy, she's a regular riot, isn't she?

Susan said...

Ai Carumba! Don't give her any ideas!!! :))

Tombstone Livestock said...

Think this weather even has my goats confused, I have 2 billies, both chasing does around and snorting, they usually act like that in August and September ................ these does already have kids not weaned yet.

LindaCO said...

Wow, you guys got socked! Living in CO, snow means precious water in a drought, but not sure it's the same thing in NY, eh?

Susan said...

Any excuse, right? It does seem like everything is upside down right now.

Susan said...

It was pretty dry last year - but, if things keep going like they are, we should have plenty of water this year. I guess that is something to be happy about!

Unknown said...

I'm ready for summer!

Candy C. said...

Yikes!! I hope Spring REALLY shows up for you soon!!

Erin said...

that is just wrong! Stupid google didn't save my comments to your other post either, grrrr!