I think that this all has to do with my priorities. Which seem to be all over the map recently. I am being diligent at counting my pennies (I think, personally, that we should do away with pennies - they just get in the way), using up what I have, applying frugality (word?) to all aspects of my life and...then...
Norman and the Poults.
I had an interesting weekend - Saturday morning found me covering two states within an hour and a half. (I always love to say that - it sounds so much MORE than it really is, seeing as I live 20 minutes from both Massachusetts and Vermont.) I rediscovered someone that I knew in my previous life who has developed a fairly lucrative poultry business. On her tiny farm she has created a neat, tidy, clean patchwork of geese, ducks, chickens and rabbits. I had been looking for Bourbon Red turkey poults and had not had much luck locally. I had no intention of getting 10, so I had almost given up until I discovered Barbara's business. And it's just down the road from my haircutter's place. Woot! She had hatched a large batch of poults for someone and had a few extra. I zipped over after picking up feed in Mass., stopping at my favorite local berry grower for two quarts of their amazing strawberries - to sustain me for the drive back to NY - and picked up four gangly BR poults. I had a nice visit, zipped back home and set up the brooder in the laundry room. There is something about turkey poults that I love more than any other baby fowl. They have huge feet, great big eyes, little heads with a little fleshy bump on their 'foreheads', and their wing feathers grow straight out at the beginning. Adorable. They seem to be thriving, thank goodness. They always seem so fragile. Of course, our power went out for three hours - attributed to a squirrel vs. transformer. The squirrel lost, but not without taking us down for awhile. Damn squirrels. Damn chipmunks. Damn rabbits. Damn....never mind.
Sunday was hot. And humid. At about 3 o'clock, Bernice started to pace around the house, panting more than usual. I was beginning to think she was going around the bend. I should have known better. A little later, black clouds rolled in, thunder, lightning and a downpour. Hurray! I didn't have to water the garden! Or clean out the goat barn! Of course, there was the matter of my laundry hanging on the line to dry. I thought I would just leave it there and let it dry whenever. That was until I found out that 'whenever' was at some point later this week. I don't fancy wearing mold. So it's strung out through the house.
It's funny how perceptions go. I have been raising six chickens for my neighbor. She was going to have a coop built, then diddled around and finally ordered one to be shipped. Now, mind you, she knew how many chickens I was raising for her (6) and she knew what the breeds were (2 Jersey Giants/2 Austerlorps/2 Buff Orpingtons). Finally, three months later, all was ready and I was to bring the girls over to their new home. I hefted the carrier out of my car, staggered around the corner to find.... a TINY coop with a TINY run. I would guess that it was large enough - maybe - for four bantam hens. Sigh. But she was thrilled to get them (they are just beautiful - 2 white, 2 black and 2 butterscotch) and we had a talk about size of coop, size of run, etc. She is getting a larger coop toot-sweet (as they say in French). My little banties were thrilled to lose their giant roommates.
Here is how I am
Norman, you ask?
Picture to come.
I'm such a tease.
Personally, I hope Norman is like 6 ft tall and of the handsome persuasion.
Sue - Don't I wish! I will say that he's awful cute. A tad under 6 feet. Curly head of hair.
Sue and I obviously think alike. I am voting for Norman to be an exceptionally handsome, healthy, strong, wealthy and definitely available human type man (I can go with that curly head of hair) who is head over heels in love with you and wants to support you in the style to which you could quickly become accustomed for the next . . . oh say, 40 or 50 years. Am I close? (If not, it's all your fault for leading us on like this.)
Not sure but sounds like Norman has 4 legs .... pictures to follow?
Well, I'm glad it wasn't just me.....I couldn't focus on the majority of your post because I kept thinking "Who or What is Norman?"
You going to add to that "bean" pile of yours?
Sounds like a busy weekend. Looking forward to pictures of Norman.
Mama Pea - You hit the nail on the head. Now, if I just could find this dream man.....actually, Norman is a blond, which is usually not my type - I like the dark, dangerous types... :)
TL - Yes, ma'am. If I can ever get the goshdarn pix in the right mode.
Carolyn - My ploy worked! Now there will be a test on the rest of the post...pencil ready? And gawd no! I have a bean pile the size of Kilimanjaro, which I have yet to climb with my shovel.
Michelle - I am hoping this long weekend allows me to get more done than the piddly amount that's been checked off my list. I will try to get some pix taken this weekend.
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