I don't know if there is actually a Panama, NY, but I feel as if I have been transported to sub-tropical-ness. True to the calendar, summer arrived on schedule and we went from cool wetness to hot wetness. Every day has brought high temperatures and high humidity, which culminate in strong thunderstorms. This brings LOTS of rain, which cools us down to damp fog, which burns off when we repeat the process. This has been every day for the past five or so days, to be continued into .... ?
To get the full effect, biggify. |
While my garden seems to love it, I am having a hard time keeping a running tie with the weeds. And poor Bernice! She was such a mess this morning, that she wouldn't eat breakfast, wouldn't take a treat, wouldn't even look at a dish of yogurt (her favorite - Greek). I had to practically drag her out of the house this morning to prove that there were no looming Boomers. She slunk down the road, tail wrapped up under her belly. I imagine that anyone driving by thought I had beaten her. Sigh. Scrappy can barely go two steps without trying to eat the numerous deer flies that attack us. We are not a happy crowd of three, straggling down the road.
My home computer is pretty much dead and my work computer contracted a virus. Ergo the silence. I finally decided to put the Blogger app on my phone so I will be able to post if desperate. Don't expect Melville when I have to tap it all out with my fat finger.
With the weather we've had, every thing is in super-blossom mode. My peonies are more abundant and beautiful than they have been in the seven years I've lived here. I rescued this bunch after they were knocked flat by another downpour. They remind me of exotic, feathered birds.
I hope to have more pix soon - if the rains ever stop long enough for me to focus. And, yes, I wish I could send most of this wetness to those of you suffering through drought. I dream of a time when everyone gets just enough of everything they want and need. Wouldn't that be loverly?
We are experiencing an overwhelming flood of weeds here, too, thanks to a long cool, damp period. The sheep would probably take care of much of the weeds (my plantings are all "deer-resistant" so probably sheep-resistant as well), but my husband wouldn't appreciate the sheep beans everywhere. Sigh. (There are upsides to being single!)
Our problem is cool weather. Which is unusual for this time of year. My poor pepper and tomato plants are not happy.
Gosh, those peonies are GORGEOUS! I'd love to get some like that.
I've had my eye on a similar one, but they want $20 for it. Really??????
You've got rain. We've got none. Wanna trade for a few days?
Ninety-three percent humidity this morning here. Nearly unbearable once the day heated up. Is this normal? I don't remember this humidity in any of the 4 other summers since we've been in the Midwest. Ugh.
Michelle - Yes, there are, indeed, benefits for doing whatever I want! I sure wish my sheep were as well-behaved as yours - they would have the run of the place. I'd like to try some goat-trimming, but they are worse than the sheep.
Michelle - We were cooler than usual right up to the first day of summer. Then, WHAM! I am not half as happy about as my garden is.
Sue - Aren't they wonderful? When I moved here, the plant was a single, stringy stem. Now it's grown by leaps and bounds - it's my favorite of my three peony plants. Wish we were closer - I'd dig up a start for you.
TM - There's nothing normal about all this. Unless the new normal is anormal. I am not a fan of this much humidity - I'm lucky I can walk to feet without wilting.
Love the peonies.
One thing about CA heat it is a dry heat, hot but dry most of tne time.
We had beautiful, clear sunshine this morning and I thought I would finally get the last of the garden in. Well, that is if the pumpkin patch dried quickly. Right after lunch, our temp dropped and some of the biggest, blackest clouds I've seen came rolling in from the northwest accompanied by thunder and lightning . . . and the rain started. Someone should have had a video camera on me trying to gather all my tools and push the still half loaded (with decayed, heavy sawdust) garden cart back UP the slope to shelter before one of the bolts of lightning decided a 5'3" high gardener was the highest point around to make contact with. Ain't it fun?
We're getting into records highs right now- into the 100's for a week or so starting tomorrow. I will say, I like the dry heat here. Not much on high humidity :( Gorgeous peonies, I need to plant some.
Janice's peonies were devastated by the rain, beautiful while they lasted. You have a very pretty yard. We almost got a Llama, a guy wanted to give us one, but we heard there may have been an issue with our goats since they didn't grow up together.
Here too, but I'm NY as well. Did you get the downpour last night? We got a lot of rain.
Your peonies are beautiful. Mine are already done....so sad!
TL - I don't mind dry heat. It's the humidity that does me in. Hope you don't get the 120 degree temps they are predicting today - stay cool!
Mama Pea - I can just see that - little you, loaded to the max with gardening gear, charging up the slope. It usually begins to thunder and lightning around here when I am out at the chicken coop. Then I hot-foot it into the house as fast as I can. It is fun, ain't it?
Nancy - Hope you are able to stay inside and be cool. I know you will look out for your chicks - this has been some year so far. I just love peonies. Mine pretty much take care of themselves, other than the help I give them to stand on their own.
DH - That's the only problem with peonies. They are so beautiful for such a short period of time. My llama (and the one before) were not raised with my sheep - or any sheep, as far as I know. Pria, my present llama, didn't miss a beat - due to her challenged eyesight, she keeps track of them by touching them with her nose. The goats are in an adjacent area and she watches over them, too.
Jocelyn - We sure did. It flattened any remaining peonies to the ground. Such an amazing amount of water!
Love your peonies, they are gorgeous!
Sorry about the computer problems, hope it all gets straigtened out soon.
I'm with TL and nancy, just can't handle high humidity anymore. Although, I'm not so fond of this excessive heat we're having either. :(
It would, indeed, be lovely if we could share rain where its needed. I love your peonies!! Can't grow them here -- too warm. And the nasty weather is all over. I'm so ready for summer to be gone.
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