
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How I Distract Myself.

While suffering (silently :-/) through the power outage last week, I found myself at loose ends.  I couldn't wash anything (no water), I had gone up to the farm to get water for the livestock, I had finished two books.  It was too freakin hot to do anything outside (I am a hot weather wimp).  I had broom swept the floors, dusted and cleaned windows.  I had paced and fumed.

I walked out to the chicken yard and noticed they were all huddled in the shade opposite the rhubarb patch.  Quickly darting in  - "quickly" is relevant, as I usually set up some intricate process of access to things that need to be chicken-proofed.  These quickly become me-proofed as well.  I cut four pounds of stems and proceeded to make a batch of rhubarb wine. 

I go by the motto:  When Life Hands You [insert vegetable/fruit], Make Wine.

We'll see how it is.  Besides pink.


Sue said...

Hey, if it's wine, it's good!

Have a wonderful day.

Jocelyn said...

Pink is nice. I had rhubarb wine once, a long time ago, and I hated it. But I think that it was the vintner's fault, and not the rhubarb's fault. I actually quite like rhubarb.

I am really looking forward to seeing how it turns out for you, because I'd like to try it myself. Give the rhubarb a chance to redeem itself, so to speak. :)

PS--I am a heat wimp, too.

Susan said...

Sue - We should have t-shirts printed! :)

Susan said...

Jocelyn - I know! Most of the fruit-based wines I've had were gawd-awful. However, armed with an over-abundance of rhubarb, I thought, what the heck. I'll give you the good/bad when I uncork it. I'll be brutally honest.

Unknown said...

Never thought of that, but I don't drink wine much. My hubby loves rhubarb sauce, easy to make...

Michelle said...

Let me know how the wine turns out.

Jenyfer Matthews said...

I too am curious about the wine. I suppose if it is too tart / sweet maybe you could mix it with sparkling water for some fizz :)

Leigh said...

Add me to the list of the curious. I tried to grow rhubarb but our summer heat was too much for it. My dad loved his rhubarb sauce too.

Candy C. said...

I like Sue's comment! :)
It has been Hell hot for a week here and they are calling for another week of brutal temps. It didn't use to bother me but the older I get, the wimpier I get about being out in it.

Lorie said...

Love your blog. Hope you post how the rhubarb wine turns out. Sounds interesting!