
Monday, June 10, 2013

Finding My Inner Tweenie

As I draped myself, exhausted, over my chair-and-a-half (it's not easy to drape over one-quarter of a CAAH - the rest of it belongs to the Boyz), I thought - and not for the first time - how another weekend whizzed by full of work.  And more work.  And some more work.  And there wasn't any fun in there.  Of course, the doelings are fun, although they are not speaking to me at the moment.  It was wormer/vaccine/drench time and they were so very unhappy about the shots.  Honestly, it's just like kids.  Hey!  No kidding!  Hey!  I did it again!  (I'll stop now.)

They were so happy to see me (Kay was my left and right hand) until they found there was a needle involved.  They screamed bloody murder.  It was deafening.  Chickie was not too bad and even Sage gave up and submitted without too much hub-bub.  This may be because I finally put collars on them.  I know.  I am a very slow learner.

Back to my original line of thinking.  Fun.  I know I've had this conversation before and somehow, the importance of fun always gets lost in the shuffle of my daily life.  I do - mostly - enjoy what I do.  I love the garden; I love the animals; I love the hard, physical labor.  But it's not enough.  I've tried going solo to movies.  Meh.  I've tried going solo to art exhibits.  Meh-ish.  I've tried Tai Chi.  My complete lack of focus makes it frustrating.  So, what to do?

Horseback riding lessons!  I was, as most tween-age girls, completely horse-crazy.  I still am, but I have learned that if you don't have the money or the acreage, you are just plain crazy to have one.  While I was driving along a route that I don't often take this morning, I saw a brand-spankin-new riding stable!  Right nearby!  Time to dust off my cowgirl boots and see if I can find a nifty cowgirl shirt with fancy stitching and pearl snaps! 


Carolyn said...

Whoo hoo! Riding lessons! Hey, if you can get over the scorpions here, I've got a mule you can ride (i.e. break) right here, and for FREE!

You DO have health insurance, right? You know, just in case?

Susan said...

Carolyn - Yes, I do indeed have insurance. I used to ride a lot back in the day. Oh, sure, put me on your unbroken mule in a field of scorions. I don't know that I have THAT much insurance...

D.Hausmann said...

Horses are great! They are very loving animals, if you can spend the time to build a relationship.

Candy C. said...

You GO girl!! Since you used to ride, it ought to be a piece of cake getting back in the saddle again! (Didja sing that last little part?)
I know a lady who goes on weekend riding/camping trips with a bunch of other ladies and they have a blast! :)

small farm girl said...

That sounds like fun! I think you will enjoy riding horses. I've been doing it most of my life. Well, until recently. lol. I haven't had the time. hehehe

Michelle said...

Yet another reason for you to come to Oregon for a visit....

Susan said...

DH - Yes, it's great if you can start off when they're young. I had two horses years ago and loved every minute of it.

Susan said...

Candy - Darn it! Now I am singing (what little I know of) that song! Wouldn't that be fun? I would love that. However, I don't think we have anything even similar here.

Susan said...

SFG - Ah, yes. The lack of time. That keeps us from all kinds of things we like, doesn't it? Of course, it also keeps us out of trouble.... :)

Susan said...

Michelle - I would LOVE to visit Oregon (and you)!!! Do you think Lance is too big to fit in my suitcase...?

Michelle said...

No, and we still shoot horse thieves! heh

Janice Grinyer said...

oh, are you ever gonna have FUN!!!! I say go for it!

Susan said...

Yowzah! I will behave myself!

Susan said...

GWFW - Maybe I can find myself a Zebra Horse!!!

Michelle said...

I use to work with horses. I love everything about them.

Kayten said...

We have a pony here who needs work. Just sayin'.

LindaCO said...

FAB-U-LOUS idea!! Take pictures ;-)

Florida Farm Girl said...

Uh huh, right place -- right time. Have fun!!