It has been such a wacky past few days, that I couldn't sum it up coherently. That about says it.
Wednesday night we got hit with a violent thunderstorm. It was fast, furious and downright terrifying. The power went off and did not come back on for two days. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to "Jane" at the utility company for my meltdown when finally told the truth about when the power would come on. And it was still a lie.
Meet Gennie:
May I also say publicly that I do not deserve my family. I really did try not to whine (and I didn't, really. Really.) about the lack of water, light and loss of food. It happens when you're tied to the grid (damn grid) and live out in the backwater. Or in the hollars, as they say here. My sister and BIL came down on Saturday to visit and meet the goaties and brought Gennie with them. They had had a powwow and decided that I needed all the help they could muster. I could have cried for joy. Actually, I did.
I am as superstitious as the next person, so I figured that, having now become armed with a Plan B, the power will never go off again. There were bad storms all around us last night, but it seems that the Power Of Gennie held true. All we got was much cooler temps and a nice rain. Hallelujah!
It's always better to be safe than sorry. Make sure you keep fuel stabilizer in her when not in use & be sure to crank her up & let her run awhile at least 2 or 3 times each year.
Whether she rescues you from a power outage or prevents one from ever happening again, it's a WIN! Bless your family....
And what ever you do don't use Ethanol fuel. Ethanol draws water into the fuel and gums up carburetors terribly. Last year I had to replace a carb on one of my pieces of equipment to the tune of $500.00. (OUCH)
That is one thing I miss here, last house had a 5,000 gal water storage tank with gravity flow, so house had water and could water critters, fortunately power here as only failed a few times and has been back on in just a few hours.
DFW - I got the lecture from my neighbor, so I have put a list in the owners manual. I've also put the regular crank-er-ups on my calendar.
Michelle - Indeed it is! Thank you -- :)
DH - Wow! What a major repair that must have been - ouch is right! I use high test fuel (gas) in all my small engines. And then I put a stabilizer in it for winter, or drain it. It's amazing how much I've learned in a short time!
TL - That's the same at the farm. Their water is gravity fed, so they always have it. Plus it's WAY better than mine. I have some sulfur in my water, so I have to filter drinking water. I try and let the livestock water sit for a while, although they don't seem to mind it.
She's purty!
We lived in Alaska for 6 years, believe me you need one there. I love ours. It kept us warm many of cold nights. She is now just used when we go dry camping. But I wouldn't trade her for anything.
Woo! What a purdy generator! When we move out to the country, eventually, like 1000 years from now, that will be one of the first things I purchase.
And don't feel too bad about your meltdown, it happens to the best of us :)
Nancy - Ain't she, though?
Michelle - That must have been quite an adventure! I always wanted to live in Alaska, but I'm too old for that now. I was pleased to discover that Gennie is not as loud as I thought she'd be.
TG - She sure as shootin is! Don't you worry - you will be out there in the country before you know it! I know. But I still feel badly that she took the brunt of power outage frustration. If they had only been upfront about it...
Congrats on your new addition to the farm! What a wonderful family you have! We have never been without power (and water) for more than 4 or 5 hours (knock on wood) so I can't seem to convince my hubby that we ought to have a Gennie of our own.
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