
Monday, September 19, 2016


The roof is half-done.  I got half my weekend list done.  It was one of those half-baked weekends.  Thanks to the weather forecast this weekend, only Saturday was a dry day.  The finished half of the roof looks great and the roof is supposed to be finished next Saturday.   My confidence in whatever the roofer utters has been slightly diminished.  Turns out I am two metal panels short - the receipt has 'disappeared' and I don't know whether the guy who ordered them made a mistake, the order was shorted or the roofer mis-measured.  In any event, there will probably be two different green stripes on the back.  I declaring it a decorating statement.  I am also 24 firring (sp?) strips short and 800 screws short (well, we knew that, didn't we?).  These two shortages are rankling.  But screws, panels and boards will be bought and the damn roof will be put on.  Geez.

We had a lovely birthday picnic for my mother and mice had once more invaded my car filters.  It also rained most of Sunday and the roof didn't leak.  So, all is not lost.  Not that any of these things is related to the other.

Something that was fully baked - another new recipe, "Savory Zucchini and Ricotta Cheesecake".  I am happy to report that it was DELISH!

Excuse the 'well-used' baking sheet.
I have the girlz over for dinner this Friday and I am wavering.  I found a recipe for tomato and ricotta pie on a brown rice crust (I seem to be fixated on ricotta lately) and then another tempting recipe was picked up by my food radar and now I am torn.  Fall Vege and Ricotta Galette sounds awfully tempting....with a GF crust.  Oy.

Why I never venture through my house unshod - yesterday morning, the anxious tip-tapping of toenails woke me at the usual early hour of 4A.  I threw on my robe and slippers and slogged out through the kitchen and to the back door.  When you have an ancient dog, it's best not to tax his flabby bladder.  I let Lovey and Scrappy out, then turned around and went back into the kitchen to make coffee.  There was a suspicious 'slurk', 'slurk' about my right slipper sole.  The lights went on and I discovered that The Pepperoni had decided to use the indoor facilities.  I said some bad words.  Loudly.  Then I slipped off  and cleaned the offending shoe, made coffee and swept and washed the dining room and kitchen floors.  At 4:30 in the morning.  Needless to say, The Pepperoni went treat-less and was under lockdown for most of the day.  I always relent, but I held firm for hours, I was that ticked-off.  I did spend a inordinate amount of time yesterday wondering what life would be like - petless.  It would be too bleak.

Saturday night, the new rooster was delivered by the whole family.  In the dark.  Pecito (Peck-eeto) is...a bantam.  Sigh.  He looks remarkably like Bunny, but with some subtle differences.  You will have to take my word for it, for the time being.  While he is not one to stand down in the face of Big Bully Hens, he has found that spending the day in the high weeds is a safe bet.  I haven't had a photo op yet.  Last night he was a little confused as to where he was supposed to bed down for the night.  He started with the Anconas - who were displeased; then hopped the fence to the Cayugas - who were confused; then hopped another fence to the Babes - who were alarmed.  I finally scooted him out of the gate and into the coop.  He's a cute little bugger, but I am always afraid that bantams will be hawk bait.  I practically had to sign an agreement with these people that, not only would I look out for his physical well-being, but be on the line for his psychological development and spiritual growth.  I'll do my best.


Unknown said...

I feel your pain with the unexpected puddles - as well as dreaming of a "pet-less" existence. The hubby vows that these are the end of the line - however, he is the guilty one of bringing home the strays and I am never one to turn them away. A friend of ours recently had to lay to rest her long time furry friend, watching her go through that sadness has made us both hold our old guy a little closer the last few days. That happy face and wagging tail after 17 years brings such a smile to my face and heart.

Susan said...

Wow! 17 years! My old guy is 16 and I adore him. I doubt if I could ever go dog-less.

DFW said...

Glad I'm not the only one that wakes up to a surprise puddle (or worse) every now & then. I ignore her all day & she goes to hubby sulking when he gets home. I 'forgive' her by night time but usually make her sleep in her crate for a night or 2 afterwards. Works for a few weeks then we start all over again. sigh .. Oh, that cheesecake looks delicious! We all have that pan. We call ours the baked potato pan because that's the only one we bake those on. But it gets used for other things occasionally.

Michelle said...

Nope, couldn't go petless. But I hope to never have THREE dogs again. Amen.

Susan said...

Isn't dog pee good for the sole?

kymber said...

bahahahah! pyschological development and spiritual growth - those people are right after my own heart!i believe that we are responsible for all of that when we take on pets. i am really glad that we got our 3rd stray cat 3 years ago, he was about a year old and then last year we got another stray about a year old. our 2 other stray cats are 12 and 15 and when one of them heads to heaven, the other will still have 2 "brothers" to keep hi company. i would like a revolving door of every 2-3 years getting a new stray.

sending much love your way! your friend,

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I look forward to hearing more about Pecito's spiritual growth.

Susan said...

Yes, he is so lucky that he is so cute. I'm constantly surprised that so much naughtiness comes out of that tiny body.

Susan said...

Michelle - Right! I used to believe the shelters when they said that, if you have two, one more is not much more trouble. NOT.

Susan said...


Susan said...

After all that special handling, I found that he had slept outside all night! I am a failure!

Susan said...

Me, too....

kymber said...

bahahahah! you suck Susan! xoxo

Mama Pea said...

You lead such an exciting life. Truly. Compared to my hum-drum existence, yours is wild and crazy. (Heck, compared to nearly anyone else's, yours is wild and crazy.) But it sure makes for good blog posts.

Fiona said...

Hey...we have another....ahem house chick. At least their accidents are small! Does Pepperoni act even a bit embarrassed? As to the rooster, Spiritual development in a Rooster is a must!:)

Susan said...

Oh, you say the sweetest things! :)

Susan said...

Fiona - You're going to have to put on an addition to the house, at this rate...No, The Pepperoni does not do embarrassed or guilty.