
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Putting the Labor in Labor Day (Weekend Plus)

All I can say, is that I hope - when I finally retire - I will settle into a more normal rhythm than I tend to do when I have more than two days off in a row.  In a nutshell - I got a lot done.

Since the days are rather a blur, I will not strain my already feeble brain by putting everything into neat and tidy order.  There is seldom a moment when my brain and thought processes are neat and tidy.  Let's start with the cooking/baking.

Chicken broth was made and canned.

9 pints canned, 2 quarts frozen
Peach and Blueberry Dutch Babies (well, Baby), was made - gluten free - and eaten for breakfast(s).

Notice Juno's Molasses Drench in
its place of honor.
Peppers were picked, cleaned and stuffed (thanks to the inspiration of You Know Who).

Sweet and Poblano

Spicy mix
A Rhubarb (and Strawberry) Custard Pie was baked for the farmer (I forgot to take a picture of the final product...).

Oatmeal Cookie Crust

Last of the frozen rhubarb, with some frozen
strawberries from last year for good measure.

I also took a stab at some gluten free chocolate zucchini muffins. 

Pretty, but meh.

They were very chocolate-y, but a little dry and meh.  The Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread, however, was a smash-hit with family and barn crew.  It was also NOT gluten free, out of self-defense.  There was also a chicken pot pie, which arose from an over-zealous plan to smoke a whole chicken which, by Monday, had fizzled down to a "OMG, I've thawed an entire enormous chicken!  What the heck am I going to do with it?"  This led to tamped down expectations = crockpot.  I then found a frozen disc of GF pie dough and, voila, chicken pot pie!  By this time, I was giving the kitchen the stink-eye.  However, I now have a goodly supply of ready-to-go dinners.  All I have to do is remember to take them out of the freezer in the morning.  Right.


Sue said...

Busy busy! I love seeing all you've done. All that kitchen goodness is making me jealous. We've been Sooooooo warm and humid lately that it's salads, sandwiches, and (totally embarrassed about this) CEREAL.
Gah! Bad wife!

Mama Pea said...

Did I detect some kernels of corn in the stuffed pepper mix? I always serve our stuffed peppers with a side of corn so why don't I mix it right in with the stuffing? That would be easier, no?

Kudos to you and the kitchen crew who came in to help you get all that done over you mini-vacation days. ;o}

Like at Sue' place, we're still warm and humid and I'm sure my husband is yearning for a "real" dinner one of these nights. ("Just be quiet and eat your fresh blueberries and yogurt.") Sigh.

Susan said...

Sue - I have to do most of my oven time EARLY. It's been less humid, but no less hot here. I couldn't get through the summer without granola for breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Susan said...

Mama Pea - Well, there's no getting by you...yes! There was corn in the stuffing. I also put in a minced 'mild' pepper. HA. It was smokin'! I had to put a warning label on the freezer packages. Yes, all those minions really, really helped. They kept the kitchen floor clean. :) It is way too hot here, too. All the baking was done between 4-7 in the morning. After that, it was just too darn hot!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Jeez, those stuffed peppers look delish! And I love Dutch babies /German pancakes too!

Susan said...

I love growing stuff and eating stuff, such as a rhubarb/strawberry custard, drool, drool, mega drool, but I don't like cooking/baking. Just one more reason to live next door to you-I'm keeping a list.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Oh my gosh, you have been one busy woman! I'm so jealous of those stuffed peppers. We are just now getting some nice size peppers on the plants.

Susan said...

Debra - They (the Dutch) make a wonderful crepe-y like pancake with spec (bacon) that I adore.

Susan said...

Susan - I am the only one in my family that bakes. The rest are whiz-bang cooks, but no one bakes. You, my dear, are invited over anytime!

Susan said...

Kristina - I hope the peppers have the common decency to hold off ripening until you are finished with your mega-tomatoes!

Dirt Lover said...

Well, it looks like there was quite a bit of activity in your kitchen! I love canned chicken broth. We usually save a bunch of bones in the freezer til I get enough for a really big batch, and then I do the whole thing all at once. In fact, I think I should have enough to be doing that real soon! Great job being so productive!!