
Thursday, September 22, 2016

There are days

when the only thing standing between me and a precipitous drop into total chaos is a neatly made bed.

Such as today.

Do you only venture into your day after making your bed, or are you of the "I'll only have to unmake it to sleep in it" school?


Mama Pea said...

Can't start my day before making the bed. Probably because my closet is a few feet directly across from the foot of the bed and I have to lay my clothes out (toss them, more correctly) on the bed and then dress by sitting on end of the bed (so much easier to get socks on that way) and I couldn't do that on a rumpled bed, now could I? (What awesome sentence structure!)

Florida Farm Girl said...

As a kid, I hated making my bed. As a grownup, at one time I lived in an apartment that had the rooms all in line which meant that to get from the kitchen to the living room you had to go through the bedroom and vice versa. That's when I decided that it was time to make the bed and I'd literally roll out of it and make it before walking away. I still make my bed not too long after getting up.

Susan said...

The last week or so I have fallen off the bed making wagon and it has not been good.

Peg said...

I used to make the bed out of habit and guilt if I didn't. Not any more. My husband has allergies and I read an article that recommended folding back the top sheet and any blankets to allow the area where you lie to dry out. A moist environment is heaven for those microscopic critters that help cause allergic reactions. I'm giving my decorative bedding to charity this week, with a clear conscience. The bedroom is adjacent to the living room and the bed is right there for everyone to see.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Sadly it depends on "What side of the bed" I get up. Just like Grandma told me. :) Hug b

Fiona said...

I am lucky with comforters, it takes no time to flip the bed back together but I do air it once a week, especially during this past summer when it was so hot.

Michelle said...

I am much happier with a made bed, but I get up first and don't always get around to making it after my husband gets up. Once in a blue moon, he makes it....

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I make my bed virtually every morning. I too see it as a protective wall against evil and chaos.

Gail said...

It just feels right with a made bed.

Peter said...

I read you post just after finishing making my bed five minutes after I got out of it.