
Thursday, June 21, 2018

My next life (or the Big Plan B).

In my next life, I would like to put my name in to come back as a handyman.  I am very over having to wait for others to get things done.

I started rounding up someone to reinstall my fencing in April.  It is almost July and it's 1/3 done.  I'm not complaining about the quality of the work, as this young fellow is doing a splendid job with the existing fencing (which I was told had to be completely yet another local 'expert').  The posts are pounded solidly in.  The fencing is pulled as taut as possible, straightened and reclipped.  But holeymotherofzeus, it's moving at a snail's pace. 

El Blimpo (aka Linden) has gotten out three times, the latest being yesterday.  There is nothing like pulling into the driveway after a harrowing commute to find your fat sheep mowing your lawn.  With the dogs barking like lunatics (legs crossed) and the above-referenced young fellow pulling into the driveway behind me, it was touch-and-go getting fatboy back through the gate, with all the external factors - stranger, noisy dogs, cars in the road.  After getting him safely back to where he belonged, I did a perimeter check and he had either squeezed under or climbed over a section that had not been fixed yet.


The deposit has been mailed to the chimney people.  I had called the insurance company and, yes, they would cover it. deductible was less than $200 below the estimate.  I have to pony up the dough.  This will entail my taking apart my bed, dealing with the fleece and taking vacation time.  I sure know how to have fun!  I am not in a hurry, as I still have to come up with the balance and that will take some finagling.  While I have my bedroom in tear-down mode, I am going to try and get someone (hahahahahaha) in to replace the ceiling fan and, while I have a live body, fix a dead outlet and remove the VW sized microwave/fan combo from over my stove and replace it with a hood.  I guess I had better start now, as it seems to take months to actually get someone to show up.

On a positive note, Layla and her new person are going gangbusters!  It is a veritable love fest, from all accounts.  This makes me so happy.  I have rebuffed two other foster offers, as I am still making up with my two petunias.  Butters has finally relaxed slightly, but he is still clingier than usual.  As is Lovey.  At least she has lost her worry lines.

I have taken this weekend off, as far as going to VT or anywhere else, for that matter - other than my work-for-vege stint at the farm.  This means that the to-do list has reached chapter book status.  I'll try not to wear you all out with my Monday post...  There is a slight chance of rain (pleasegod) so I have an alternate (PB) list for the inside.  It's time to make the rhubarb BBQ sauce, a rhubarb kuchen and Scotch eggs.  I believe I am covered, no matter what the weather.


ElaineChicago said...

Hooray for you, Layla and New Mum!! Yes, your "Idyllic Farm Life" seems rather chaotic, particularly with the Handy People. At least you don't have door-to-door people wanting to work for you (large amounts of cash, up front please!!)

tpals said...

Hooray for Layla! Aargh for fencing!

Ceiling fans are actually not too hard to diy if you can handle a ladder.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

we have had so much rain that we have flooding, landslides and closed roads everywhere and more is on the way! hope some makes it's way to you!

ellen abbott said...

good luck with the handyman/men. I'm fortunate that Rocky can do it all so I just have to deal with one person. He even took care of a large patch of poison ivy for me.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Golly, I hope you get the fencing done before summer is over. So glad to her that Layla is doing well. Try not to wear yourself out too. You reminded me I need to make rhubarb BBQ sauce too.

Mama Pea said...

I can only imagine the handyman-not-showing-up dilemma. How fortunate I am to have my own handyman as that guy I live with. Plus, it's been a proven fact that anyone that does need to be called in to do a task (98% of the time a male) with less time and more efficiency (let's face it . . . it does happen) interacts with another MALE in a totally different way than said male handyman would with a FEMALE. Geesh, that causes a slow burn, doesn't it?

I have a dear 86 year old widowed friend who lives in a lovely home with lovely guest house on a lovely piece of property nine miles out of town. It's breaking her heart, but she's come to realize she can no longer live rurally (made up word?) as she does because she can't find reliable help to keep up with repairs or even lawn mowing.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest . . . sending best wishes for a wonderful stay-at-home weekend for you. Find some time for relaxation on that tome-sized To Do List, okay?

Susan said...

Elaine, the only people to arrive at my door are dressed in black suits and carrying bibles. We have a lot of 'handy'men, who are not. They also have two sets of prices - one for locals (as in came over on the Mayflower) and one for city people (even if you were not from a city). It's best to get the scoop from a trustworthy local, as in my farmer/neighbor.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

In my Next Life, I plan to come back as the Queen of Everyone and Everything. You shall all be my minions.

Susan said...

I had considered taking care of the fan myself but there are two issues - I'm leery of anything electrical, having been zapped more than a few times, and with no rotator cuffs left, pulling something down from overhead that weighs more than a marshmallow is problematic. Ergo, the mythical handyman.

Susan said...

Good gawd! I wouldn't mind some of that, but not all - with our parched ground, it would wreak havoc.

Susan said...

I let my sheep/goats take care of the poison ivy and they work for what they eat! I'd love a Rocky but there is no Rocky in sight. I have to settle for a Billy.

Susan said...

Don't you love that BBQ sauce? I put it on everything! Yes, I am so far behind, I'm in back of myself, so to speak.

Susan said...

Yes, yes. Rub it in that you possess a Papa Pea. :) I've gained some street cred because I have all the tools. I was my father's only son, after all. I feel for your friend. How sad it is that there isn't a neighbor/neighbors who will step up and give her a hand. The human has almost completely abandoned humanity, hasn't it? Now that we've both gotten this off our chests, I will try to do something fun if you do the same - pinky promise? xo

Theresa said...

I'm guessing you are going to give a the phrase weekend staycation all new meaning! :-)
Allow time for dog beating and all those other important relaxing things! I have a handyman too, but he can be just as unreliable as the hired kind and he expects meals...That's all I'm saying. Glad Layla has landed in someplace wonderful!

M.E. Masterson said...

You are not alone in the handy person. They seem to take their sweet time getting anything done! Pride has gone out the door too! It is a pain in the rump when only part of your fence keeps the critters from exploring! You did have me giggling as I could imagine the chaos!

wisps of words said...

Rhubarb BBQ sauce! New to me.

But we have enough of a time, just getting a rhubarb pie for him.

So glad you are not taking in another dog, for adoption, for awhile. Your own pets deserve some time of their own. Poor babies....

Michelle said...

OhOhOh! Can you move in with Mama Pea's widowed friend, exchanging labor for living space for you and all your critters??? You work for vegetables, after all! Seriously!!! You know you plan to move anyway!

Theresa made me snort with her handyman issues. I have that problem with my handyman AND my vet. ;-)

Donna OShaughnessy said...

Over the years I have learned to be "handy". My husband is a patient teacher. Best gift I ever gave myself was a heavy duty drill. No more waiting for anyone to hang anything for me any longer! This summer I plan to learn how to use the chainsaw. I need some new benches from a large elm tree we felled last year.

Elaine said...

I wish I could lend you a hand, or better still, lend you my handyman. He's slow, but he works long hours, as long as you feed him tea and cake.
I hope you manage to find a little time to "read the printed word" and relax.

Susan said...

I shall be your handyman minion.

Susan said...

I've had one of those and I was handier. And less picky. I will most likely be trying to keep dogs out of the way while my chimney is repaired. Maybe we'll all go out for ice cream!

Susan said...

It's like pushing string, or herding cats with those sheep. Everyone told me not to worry about fences and sheep because sheep are stupid. Well, Linden may not be a member of Mensa, but he is busy!

Susan said...

I'm working my way through my rhubarb recipes this year!

Susan said...

Hey! That is brilliant! And I have all my own tools! You've got the double whammy with 'your' handyman... :)

Susan said...

There is nothing like a good drill. My one gift request for my 60th birthday was a Makita 18V cordless drill. I LOVE it! I have a chainsaw on my wish list - my 83 y/o neighbor will not be on hand forever.

Susan said...

Funny you should mention the printed word. I was just looking - longingly - at the tall stack of books on my dresser. I tend to spend all my spare time knitting. I need to get a balance going!

Tewshooz said...

You need a shepherds' hook and rattle paddle to round up sheep easily.

Casa Mariposa said...

A good contractor/fix it guy is a gem! Mine is on speed text and is getting richer by the day and I am getting poorer! But the work is good so I can't complain. I just wished he worked for free or I were rich!

Rain said...

I want to be a handyman too! My gosh...Alex and I can do minor stuff with the help of You Tube...but I think for fencing, we would still try to do it long as we had the proper tools. I hate relying on others...there's a joke in Seinfeld where George is talking about mechanics. He says something like "oh yeah, they said you had to change the 'johnson rod' and you believe them because who knows what a johnson rod really is??? They could be making anything up." I feel that way when most handymen drop by! So glad for Layla! Yum Scotch Eggs!!! :)

Ed said...

Handyman are hard to find these days with the economy growing at a steady clip. I guess that is why I am inundated with requests to fix this or that for people even though I don't have enough time to do all the things I want to do at my own house.