Taken on our Pig Adventure in PA. (Ignore my thumb)
Honestly, do you think that anyone would find this poorly disguised cell tower, standing in a grove of 5-foot pine trees asthetically pleasing? Did they think it would fit right in? What
were they thinking??
that's hilarious... what were they thinking indeed!?
Wait, what? That is a cell tower? I live in PA and have never seen them try to disguise anything. It must have been by a politicians house. Very funny.
I think it looks like a bottle brush on steroids.
Definitely very poor camouflage! A super-tall silo would have looked less out of place!
Actually, I think it's hilarious! Score for a sense of humor!
The first time I'd ever seen one of these was enroute to Cape Cod. Nearly wet my pants laughing! Credit could/may be given (possibly) for the concept/attempt of blending with nature, but it gets debit marks for execution.
(And who has EVER seen a pine tree with all the branches were the same length?!??) Who did the R&D on this project? Oh my gosh....
All we can say (as we sigh collectively) is
'go figure' lol
We almost went off the road - I've never seen anything like it! It was pretty close to the road, in a large area where the next tallest object was about 6 feet. I am saving this for my next ZBA meeting!
We have one of those here in Gold Beach, Oregon. It towers above the old growth timber it is standing it. I saw the material it was made with (I used to work with for the local building department and one of my inspectors brought back a piece to show me. It looks like a really heavy duty fake Christmas tree branch.
Oh my gosh. I don't know if that's HILARIOUS or pathetic! And what would that add to the cost of a project?
There is a cell phone tree tower at one of the Mass. Tpk rest stations - everytime I see it I think who thinks this blends in with the trees? It stands why higher than the other trees. Your picture is even funnier because there are no other trees around it.
Judy - Thanks for commenting! I will have to be on the lookout the next time I'm on the Tpk - I still don't understand why people don't just accept an object for what it is; a cell tower.
THere's one on the Northway in the Adirondack Park that I see every time I drive down to Albany. I understand they are called "Frankenpines." Hello, btw, from a new homesteader in WAY upstate NY. - Alysowl
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